What’s the oldest technology you’ve had to deal with in your life?

  1. I don’t know if this really is the oldest, but my god will you just LOOK at the [damn thing!](https://deafinprison.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/tty2.jpg?w=690&h=522)

    My grandma was deaf and therefore could not talk on the telephone, obviously. This nifty machine let you type out your messages to each other. Both parties had to have one for it to work. You place the phone receiver on the machine’s receiver and it transmits your typed messages through the phone line to the other person’s screen. And you couldn’t be typing at the same time or it would transmit both simultaneously and look like gibberish.

    Now I want to play with one again. I liked the beeps and tones it made!

  2. I have a pestle and mortar in my kitchen, that’s literally a rock that I put things on so I bash them with another rock.

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