What was a controversial yet brave thing you said that shocked people?

  1. “I don’t give a fuck that you’re gay I give a fuck that you’re an aweful toxic manipulative pathetic person. Gay is literally the best thing about you, if you were straight you’d be just another shitty man child. At least sucking dick means you’re unique”

  2. I said that the worst thing to happen to a child is to be raised by a single mother in front of 3 single mothers.

    They ended up agreeing with me

  3. I once told this loud girl she wasn’t unique or special, just that everyone was too reluctant to speak up and shut her mouth. Everyone started attacking me lol, I just stood by my point cause I’m stubborn

  4. Told my brother he deserves to die in prison, in front of my parents and to his face. He’s a career criminal, he got away with too much. Not punished hard enough. I’d write him obscene letters while he was in prison, Called him every name in the book countless times over.

    Sometimes I’d text him poetry about how his destiny is to be a jail sluhhhh… You get it.

    *He stole from me, stabbed me in the chest, missing my lung by a centimeter, stole my mom’s wedding ring, broke into a women’s house to steal her wedding ring, while he didn’t directly kill anyone, he was in situations where he should have called the police to report someone overdosing but, didn’t and a grip more things I shouldn’t mention.

  5. I’m over 40, so I’m starting to have more and more of these moments.

    I use to just say “yeah, I said it”, now i also use “I said it, and I meant it”

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