My (20F) girlfriend will not believe me

I’m a (21M) and my 20(F) refuses to believe me

My girl friend of 3 months recently came down (2hrs) for a weekend to hangout. When we were here she saw this old hookup I had (which I told her about) in my Snapchat. I proceeded to assure her it was nothing (the girl snap chatted me and I left her on open) but when I went to the chats her nudes from before we were dating popped up. After this she got super mad and started yelling and left.

I tried explaining my situation about how she snapped me and I didn’t respond and I genuinely forgot the nudes were there. I apologized sincerely and many many times for her seeing those in my phone because I know it hurt her.

She says she feels used, manipulated and lied to. I am a very honest person and it hurts me that she will refuse to listen to the truth. It’s like she already made up her mind about me being guilty.

2 days later we are here she says she needs space so I haven’t been texting her. I just don’t know what to do in this situation it hurts knowing I did everything that I was supposed to but I’m being treated like I had those on purpose.

What should I do in this situation?

TLDR: my gf saw old nudes in my phone after the girl snap chatted me. She does not believe anything I say now.

1 comment
  1. Wow. I definitely would break up with someone I’d only been with for 3 months if they did that! You should’ve deleted those nudes as soon as you started dating. My only advice is don’t do shit like that in the future (open up chats from past hookups that could contain saved nudes- esp in front of your gf!)

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