I’ve heard/read quite a bit previously that when women are attracted to someone they’ll play or fix their hair when nearby in a playful, meandering manner. Is this true?

Also, is there a line where it switches from attraction to something else based on how frequent or intense it is?

For example, I got on the bus after work this week, and sat near a woman with a seat’s gap between us When I sat down she wasn’t touching her hair, but after I could see out of the corner of my eye it progressed from light, playful hair tossing almost to where she seemed like she was pulling on it hard in a somewhat fast frequency. Mind you, she wasn’t combing it or putting her hair into a pony holder or anything; just aimless hair play. That lasted for a good few minutes despite the fact that I never looked at her, said a word to her, and just minded my own business on my phone. Is that normal, or was it likely something else bothering her?

  1. For some women, yes. For others its just social anxiety and has nothing to do with being attracted to someone. Anxiety in general can cause traction alopecia in some women/people in general. Happened to me during a time of family crisis. I didn’t even realize i was playing in my hair so much

  2. It’s just the idea that when we are attracted to someone, we generally get more self conscious. All genders will do this stuff (think about a man suddenly trying to fix his hair because he saw an attractive woman enter the room). And sometimes people will play with their hair as a form of flirtation. But people also play with their hair out of boredom.

  3. It’s sometimes true yes. Usually when you are talking to someone you are into or whatever.. in their company
    However I doubt she was doing it on the bus to attract you.
    I have longish hair and sometimes I touch it or play with it a lot absentmindedly.

  4. Where you the only man on the bus or why would you assume she was doing that because of you? I play with my hair or touch my face because I have social anxiety and feel uncomfortable a lot.

  5. Eh, a lot of us just touch our hair in general, eg when it is in our face etc. I have ADHD and I fiddle with everything all day, usually my hair. I did it even while reading this post

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