How often do you take pictures of yourself?

  1. Almost never. Maybe once a year, usually to compare pictures of how my weight loss journey is coming along. Then I store that away and continue life.

  2. Very rarely, only real time is when I’m traveling for work and I’ll send a selfie to the wife and kids at some landmark or something

  3. Never. Maybe a goofy one with my nieces every 2-4 months, maybe.. I’m ugly as fuck lmao no need to remind myself

  4. Never, because I’m not photogenic, and I dislike how my face looks. Also I cannot smile while on camera; it feels too…performative and scripted.

  5. i avoid it at all costs. i tend to avoid the mirror(s) at my home too.

    i’m just not a good look dude.

    The last time I took a selfie was when the uni i attend requested a photo of my face for the student ID card we must have in order to participate in proctored exams.

    apart from that, probably years ago when I tried online dating.

  6. I take selfies through out the day when im bored at home. I either think “there’s no way I’m that handsome ” or “there’s no way I’m that ugly “

  7. I notice I enjoy taking pictures when my mental health is taken care of. When I’m fed and happy taking a selfie is a fun way to spend a few minutes. Also fun to send to friends as conversation starters!

  8. Rarely, unless I’m trying to show someone something and I end up in the photo I’m trying to send them.

  9. Pretty much never. I do like to flex in front of a full body mirror though, mostly because I’ve been lifting and have dropped 60lbs in the last year.

  10. Always thought men taking selfies was kind of cringe. Actually I think it’s cringe for women too, it’s just more generally accepted.

  11. Standalone pictures only once or twice in a year. Upon request from parents.
    With friends and pets – plenty

  12. Never really. I got a professional picture taken which I use for most work stuff (on my employee card, on the company person database/website, etc.) And I go to the photographer here when I need a biometric picture for government ID, like every ten years.

  13. Basically never. Occasionally on vacation or something me and the wife will take one, but that’s about it

  14. I agree. I don’t understand how people can be obsessed with taking their picture and posting it for the world to see. Just to get compliments?

  15. Very occasionally, like if it’s a joke response to a text or something.
    I’ll also take pics with my girlfriend but that’s something i do for her benefit, the very thought of a selfie makes me cringe

  16. To buck the trend, I take photos of myself, or have other people take photos of me quite frequently. Last selfie was saturday, out at a festival. I used to have quite poor self-image, but it’s grown over the years until I like how I look.

    I don’t take hundreds of photos, just one during the event to put onto whatsapp, then put the phone away.

  17. I have almost never thought to take pictures. If I’m doing something I’m just thinking about doing that, not necessarily sharing it with the Internet or whatever

  18. My ID is a missing child poster and my passport is a fugitive on the run. So no I avoid at all costs.

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