I met this guy at my new job and when I hardly knew him I thought he was cute and I was sexually attracted to him. But know that we have known each other, I like him a little less and I kind of feel bad about that. But I’m giving my self mixed signals (if that is even possible).

For example he invited me to the movies and I was starting to get annoyed when he was very obviously trying to put his arm around me or when his hand would inch towards me. But when he managed to get passed me blocking him I ended up liking it after all. And I now find myself getting angry when he touches me. Its never anything too crazy usually he touches my shoulder or he stands kind of close to me. I realize that I should probably just tell him that I don’t really like being touched.

Another thing about these mixed signals is that I love Taking to him and I like to call him and talk over the phone all night. But in person I avoid eye contact and get angry and/or annoyed when it comes to him. And he’s even told me that he liked me and I just said “I know.” Like what kind of emotionless monster have I become.

So I guess my question is: Does it sound like I like this guy and I’m just shy or should I try to keep it a friend only relationship.

  1. If you don’t know if you like him how would any of us? You sound confused, I’d hate to be with someone who gets angry when I try to touch them. Maybe work out why you can’t even understand yourself, you’ll never be able to understand anyone else otherwise.

  2. he seems too clingy/needy for you, and you’ve come to resent your involvement with him in person (as if you don’t want to be seen with him), but don’t mind him as a chat buddy

  3. I’ve felt this way before.

    You’ve convinced yourself (before you even knew him that well) that he had potential bc he was cute and yu were sexually attracted. You convinced yourself so strongly that you’re attracted to this new dude that you built up these expectations of what it would be like to be with him.

    You have this image so strongly that in real life he doesn’t match it at all and it pisses you off. Over the phone it’s easy to have this fantasy bc he’s not in front of you in person. You build this fantasy on this dude’s voice and you convince yourself again you have to like him right? Y’all talk on the phone, he’s attractive and sexy.

    But once mroe, you see him in real life and he touches you or talks to you and it pisses you off bc it’s not what you have pictured or wanted.

    You’re confusing yourself and trying to make something exist that has no business existing. You like this idea you made up of him before you knew him, you’re angry he isn’t what you imagined and I would stop trying.

    Save both of you the emotional mess and just be friends.

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