what is your favorite back of the penny design between wheat, lincoln memorial, and shield?

  1. I’ve always liked the wheat pennies, but that might just be from the novelty of finding them. The “ONE CENT” being the most prominent design element on the back of the coin always somehow reminded me of a subway or arcade token.

    In this day and age, though, all pennies are dumb.

  2. Lincoln memorial was the best. Especially because if you looked close enough you could actually see the statue of Lincoln in between the pillars.

  3. I like the shield. American symbolism on medieval objects is an incredibly underrated aesthetic.

  4. The current “shield” design is atrocious and looks like clipart f.f.s.

    I’m not sure which older designs was the best but I sure as heck know which design is the worst.

  5. Shield. I do enjoy finding occasional wheat pennies though because of how uncommon they are now.

  6. I want to like the shield design, but they changed the metal composition along with it, so they all feel *so* goddamn cheap and flimsy. They feel like shiny plastic play money, not real coinage. I’d like them more if they didn’t feel so obviously inferior to the wheat and memorial pennies.

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