Women are capable of a great many things and I just wonder in today’s world how women in particular would react to an invasion of their country.

  1. I think women would think of this as more along the lines of ensuring their own and their families survival rather than fighting for their country. The circumstances likely wouldn’t allow choice

  2. Invaded by who? Russia or China? Yeah, absolutely. Canada, England and France? I’m probably helping them

  3. No. I dont really think most people want to truly defend their country unless their government has enstablished a propaganda program.

    Im not wasting my life getting shot by a single bullet while the parliament sits on their asses wondering what troops to send in to die next.

  4. No, I’d try to get the fuck out of the country to somewhere safe. I’m not dying for a few rich people’s bullshit.

  5. I have no idea. I would 100% defend my family. My knee jerk reaction was no, I wouldn’t defend my country, but I suppose the alternative would be becoming a refugee so I really don’t know.

  6. No lol. I would protect myself and my loved ones the best I could from immediate danger, but I have no loyalty to land.

  7. I’d take full advantage of our Czech gun laws, get a permit and go pew-pew at the invaders from the 8th floor of my office. We’ve been invaded way too many times in the past, so either I help free the country or die trying – win either way.

  8. No. We’d be looking for an escape route instead. Time to take early retirement and gtfo.

  9. I’m South African. Our country is in the dumps! So id help the invaders , maybe the invasion would be for the betterment of my country 🙁

  10. Nope. We’re already controlled by Britain, I don’t care who else invades

  11. I’m not sure tbh. My first priority would be making sure my loved ones are safe, which would quite possibly mean leaving with them. But if it was an invasion which, if successful, would mean human rights abuses and terrible lives for people stuck in my country, it’s possible I might want to be a part of a defence effort. I’m not 100% sure I could deal with leaving women, LGBT people, and other minorities to have a brutal existence without feeling intense guilt about it.

    On the other hand, I really wouldn’t like to experience that fate myself.

  12. Nope. Not going to risk my life for that. I’d be more focused on getting me and my loved ones out safely.

  13. If needed and my contribution would be valuable, then yes, but primarily in the local sense. I wouldn’t be joining the military or traveling far away to do so. I’m not fighting for the government, but I will fight to protect myself, my loved ones, and my community.

    I would think that nearly any human would defend their personal property, life, liberty, and homeland if it was actively being invaded and they or their lives ones were currently at risk. I don’t think that’s gendered at all.

  14. As a former intel analyst, I’d probably be called back up. But I wouldn’t go be a grunt, it’s just not where my strengths are.

  15. Depends. My willingness to die for some lines on a map is very low. For my community? Now that is a different matter.

  16. No, I would leave. I’m not fighting for a country that has time and time again not fought for or respected my rights as a woman.

  17. If it was really that dire, I suppose I would. I don’t have kids and my husband would most likely be off fighting too, so why not me?

  18. Depends if there is a larger group of people who are going to help, alone i wont stand a chance. If not, I’ll just try and make sure my family is safe

  19. My current country that I’m in? Most likely nope but it would depend on: 1. Who is invading? 2. Why are they invading? 3. Do I have an escape route from the invasion or does the invasion pose a threat to me and my community?

    Honestly if some country wants to invade and get us proper healthcare, education, etc. I’d be waving them right in.

  20. No
    Bc 2/3 of the population inmy country are shitty people and the last group of people wanna kill themselves so my answer is no

  21. Depends on who they are and what they plan to do with us. Loyalty to my country it dependant on how much that loyalty benefits me and the people I actually care about.

    If it’s absolutely bad news, my gut reaction would be to flee the country entirely and I wouldn’t want my loved ones staying behind either. I would only fight/help if I had little choice.

  22. nope. I’d flee immediately. Idc if I had to cross the Atlantic Ocean via row boat.

    Why? because I hate this place.

  23. my country? the one that committed genocide against my ancestors, stole our land and destroyed it? the one that keeps my people on reservations, stole our babies, and forced us to practice their religion? the one that ignores our missing and murdered women and children?

    defend the country? absolutely not. the united states is an embarrassment.

    the innocent people who have no choice and no say? sure, i’ll defend them.

  24. I can’t. Too many health issues. Even if I didn’t, probably not. I’m not playing the rich man’s game where they stay fat, rich, and alive and I die

  25. Yes.

    Despite the cultural divide, this is still my country. Yes, we have a lot of problems, but it’s still my country and even those I disagree with are still my fellow citizens.

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