i’m not sure what really caused me to lose my sense of humour. but that funny bone(not on ur arm) i had is just not there, jokes used to come automatically and i was looking for the ‘funny’ in things and i just would be…funny.

however, now i’m just not that funny person i used to be with an amazing sense of humour. i find myself much more serious nowadays and not able to find the jokes in things like i used to? has anyone ever been thru something like this? i feel like i’ve lost my sense of humour and a part of myself and it’s caused a lot of confusion and anxiety in my life, because it feels like i’ve lost that natural sense of humour that i had? and i want to regain it, but i don’t know how?

  1. Im not good at cracking jokes but I was unable to laugh at jokes for years . In my case it was dysthymia and not feeling comfortable with the people surrounding me.

    I have laughed genuinely three times this week, twice for dumb jokes that came from someone that I’ve known for quite a while and that I’m comfortable with , the third time I laughed with an acquitance from uni because the guy sitting in front of us was nodding off so much that he almost fell from his seat.

    I find falls and particular sounds funny regardless of my mood.

    so to summarize:

    funny joke + feeling happy + liking whoever tells the joke = laugh

  2. Had the same problem, for me the solution was that i stopped being a people pleaser, everything i said was with the objective to be liked by the other person i was talking to.I avoid doing that nowadays (but to an extent, i dont wanna look like an asshole). And my humor had come back since i started doing that. I talk for me, every joke and anything i say is to please myself, and so it happens that a lot of people like me that way. I am not 100% sure of this advice tho. You may end up worse or something, just take my advice as a recommendation to see how it goes. Good luck and hopefully you get your humour back!

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