How attuned are you to your cycle? Do you plan (or avoid) certain tasks/activities depending on what phase you’re in?

  1. I don’t avoid anything because I’ve no idea when it’ll show up. Could be 15 days, could be 90. Perimenopause is a whirlwind.

  2. Not at all, I have an IUD that prevents me from having periods so it’s pretty hard to track my cycle. When my mood gets weird I usually think “oh I must be PMSing” and that’s it.

  3. It’s highly irregular so that would be impossible. I skip some months in a row and then it comes back for a few months. Or sometimes I get it once a year only.

  4. I had a 5-year IUD put in a year ago, 4 months later my periods stopped. The only sign I continue to have monthly is a feeling of being out of sorts for a day or two, but not in a way which effects my day to day life.

  5. I can alays tell when it’s close so then i start wearing pantyliners in case it starts and I keep tampons with me

  6. From 16 to 38 I had to schedule my days off of work because of my period. I did have a few years where birth control made me functional all month, but my periods were debilitating.

    Once I hit 38-44 perimenopause kicked in and it was hell. 160 day? 15? Who knew? I could put in a supermegaindustrial tampon, walk down the stairs and need to go straight to the other bathroom to change. It was horrific. I had an ablation and 42 and that helped. But 2 years later it was back and just as awful so I had a hysterectomy a few years ago. Life changing.

    I should have done it after my daughter was born when I was 32 honestly. So much struggle for no reason.

  7. Birth control helps with keeping track of it lol. I also usually know because I get hornier before my period so, that’s usually a sign that my period is coming soon without the birth control. I don’t really plan or avoid tasks because I’m on my period.

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