What has been your most vivid, memorable dream you’ve ever dreamt?

  1. A couple of weeks after my first wife took her own life back in 2014. I had a very vivid dream in which she was speaking to me in our kitchen. I asked her why she did it, I was crying in my dream and woke up at that point to find that I actually was crying too

  2. I was looking in the fridge for some eggs but I can’t find anything but the box, so I turn around and ask “where are all the eggs?” and some cartoonish crocodille character with some egg yolk dripping out his mouth replies “mhhh… dunno” while trying to keep the eggs inside his mouth.

    I woke up laughing and spent the next 20mins trying not to laugh. It’s lowkey funny.

  3. Just weird sex things. I don’t dream often. But when I’m awake the space in my head is kinda like a cartoon. I call it a dark world with bright lights. It’s neater that my dream spaces.

  4. OP’s mom, on a magic flying carpet over Agraba. Let’s just say I showed her a whole new world.

  5. The toilet labyrinth.

    For months when I was 15 I had vivid nightmares involving a labyrinth of dirty, cracked tile you’d find in disgusting public restrooms. Like an infinite maze of random public toilets stitched together in a grotesque patchwork.

    I would search for a toilet endlessly, but everyone was too disgusting. Filled to the brim with dirty water, cracked and stained seats, and missing doors. I never really needed to go, but felt like I just needed to be there.

    It finally ended with an opening to a split pathway, on the left was a temple of living, writhing, red and raw flesh. On the left was a temple of porcilune. The split path had my cousin lying nude in fetal position. I chose the porcilune temple. It had clean toilets all along the walls but they had too much water. At the alter sat a perfect toilet, but instead of sitting on it I walked past it and out a door and found myself in nature watching a sunrise.

    I think it was about my anxiety about my living situation (was a foster kid at the time) my understanding of religion (I was questioning my faith) and my sexuality (I was starting to understand that I was gay)

  6. Recurring nightmare since I was about 8. I hear crying outside my house and walk into my car port to find my eldest sister who’s skinless and sobbing. Have it at-least once a year and it’s always vivid and easy exactly the same.

  7. I remember in kindergarten my first sex dream with the hot girl in class. I remember a lot of my dreams as well. Wars, horror, funny, boring, weird.

  8. I was about 6 or 7 years old, had some kind of a nightmare where this huge 3 meter dark devil thing was chasing me, I stopped running and picked up some kind of a rock and started hitting myself with it, then I woke up with pillow in my hands about to hit myself.

    And about month or so ago, just as I fell asleep I was watching myself sleeping from above, I was literally flying in my room, then I flew outside of my house and was watching around to notice if somethings different but everything seemd normal. I was flying in one direction and thought about going to mars, as I started to fly up to the space I became scared of the void and was trying to fly back but couldn’t. Next thing I know that im in a next to my bedroom door, it was open and something just started throwing me around the walls,corners, into my room, I remember that as I was thrown from one corner to another I saw myself watching me from the bed and then I was thrown into the body of myself that was watching me and I started getting thrown around again, as I was pushed from the bed to the corner of my room I got hit on the leg with something and felt pain for about few secounds before waking up.

  9. I was in the stands at a demolition derby and there was some kind of intermission activity involving downs syndrome people and monkey bars??? I don’t know. Well, one of them fell off the monkey bars and broke his neck. The ambulance came and I was traumatized.

    I had this reoccurring dream from 5 up until I told my mum around 10 years old. Turns out this all actually happened when I was 4, except it wasn’t monkey bars, it was a log running competition. My mum was appalled that I dreamt of that all those years when that happened I was only 4.

    The mind is fascinating.

  10. I was diagnosed with cancer in the dream. It was so realistic, my parents practically had to convince me it wasn’t real when I woke up crying.

  11. Recurring dreams when young
    Being chased by a giant evil jack o lantern bouncing after me through a creepy mansion
    Being chased by a trex through the suburb I use to live in
    Eventually real me realised if I go to sleep in the dream I wake up in real life. So as soon as dream me realises it is a dream, dream me goes to sleep and I wake up. After a few weeks of doing that those dreams just stopped.

    Then when I got to adulthood the night terrors started where I’d be “awake” but my brain has me frozen in place and then puts random creepy/scary shit all through the room I’m in. I’ve had the walls being covered with spiders, or one big spider. Had a shadow that looks like a person crouched on top of a dresser or standing at the end of my bed. Had things moving around outside my window. Had the door ajar and glowing eyes peeking through the gap. Usually just be frozen for a little while before suddenly being able to get up and run out of the room or turn the light on. These have dwindled over time but still happen on occasion.

  12. When I was a teenager I had a dream about a girl. Not a real girl I knew, one completely made up by my imagination. She and I were driving a van filled with younger kids. A boy and a girl of each age group. We drove to a secluded beach and I backed the van up to the water’s edge.

    We all got out and paired off, boy and girl, and the children played and cavorted together, each pair doing what was appropriate for their age. The littlest kids made sand castles and chased seagulls. Older children playing more complicated games. The pre-teens walked the beach holding hands and taking. The girl my age and I mostly just watched over them, and talked, sitting on top of the van so we could see everyone and make sure they were safe and happy.

    Then the younger kids got tired and hungry and we spread out a lunch for them, and we waded into the water together, and held each other, and kissed and looked into each other’s eyes. Every time we kissed, some of the younger kids would avert their eyes and say “Eewwwww!” which just made us laugh. We talked more and kissed more, just holding each other in the water, me feeling her soft body pressed against me, skin cold from the water, and kissing the sun-warmed skin of her shoulders, smelling her hair, tasting her skin.

    Then we packed up and at the end of the dream we were driving away from the beach, kids sleepy or sleeping in the back, sun setting on the horizon ahead of us.

    I woke up from that dream with a strange feeling in my chest that radiated out to make my whole body feel wired and alive. I couldn’t shake the dream, or the feeling, all day. Couldn’t get the girl out of my head. I literally saw her face whenever I closed my eyes. Light brown skin, short curly brown hair, dark eyes, crooked smile, a mole near her upper lip. Pretty in an unassuming way – beautiful, but the kind of beauty that doesn’t announce itself to the room, the kind that only fully reveals itself to the one who *really looks.* The next night I couldn’t sleep a wink. Snippets from the dream replayed themselves over and over in my head but I wasn’t asleep, wasn’t dreaming, just remembering.

    I got up in the morning expecting to feel like shit because I hadn’t slept at all, but I felt light as a feather all day. Still seeing her face, smelling her, remembering the feel of her against me and on my lips. But she was starting to fragment slightly. I started to be able to remember her eyes or her mouth or her nose, or the particular unruly shape of her curly hair, but gradually, I couldn’t put them all together anymore. On the third night I slept but only fitfully. That electric feeling was still present in my whole body, but the volume was being turned down. When I slept, I dreamt of her again, but the dreams were disjointed, just bits of film from the cutting room floor played at random.

    On the fourth day she was mostly gone. I didn’t remember the dream, but I remembered remembering the dream. The intense realness of it was faded away. The electric buzz was just a faint tingle. And it was half-replaced by a growing melancholy, like a feeling of loss, because even though I knew by this time that my stupid brain had gone and fallen fully in love with a nonexistent girl, and how pointless and dumb that was, I still wanted the feeling back, and I wanted above all to have the crisp, whole memory back. I wanted to be able to see her face again, like a photograph, when I closed my eyes.

    I had another couple of days of mopey mooning over her, then it was back to normal.

    There’s still a part of my mind that doesn’t accept totally that she doesn’t exist. Sometimes I have fancied that somewhere in another country, she existed and had that dream at the same time, and fell in love with me, and if we ever met we would recognize each other.

  13. I had sex with my female manager and I came inside her then I woke up and had a 9am one to one meeting with her.

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