My(20F) bf(21M) had sexual encounters with many married women in the past (before we even knew each other). So he basically assisted in cheating. Would it be a dealbreaker for you if your partner had such a history? And I’m a little worried that he might? cheat again? Idk I’m confused, idk what to think 😶

  1. With your ages in consideration I’d think he was working out some mommy issues.

    Probably not indicative of him going to cheat on you.

  2. honestly speaking for me, it would honestly be a deal breaker

    me myself cheating or even assisting in cheating (getting with a married person) rubs me the wrong way

  3. It would be a deal breaker for me. Mommy issues or not, he doesn’t have respect for marriage or relationships in general.

  4. Only you can decide if it is a dealbreaker for you or not.

    Personally, it would be dependent on a few things – were the married women in open marriages, or at least did they have consent from the womens’ husbands for whatever reason (the husband was asexual, had a lower libido than the wife and was OK with her getting her needs met elsewhere), and was it just sex for him, or was there some kind of thrill from the idea of the woman being married that turned him on? If the answers were, in order, yes and no, then I wouldn’t necessarily consider it to be a dealbreaker (but then I’m a man, so I’m probably thinking about it with the genders reversed). If, however, the women were cheating without their husbands knowing and he knew it and/or some aspect of “stealing a man’s wife” was a turn on for him, I would definitely be reconsidering the relationship.

  5. Not a woman, but IMHO if your partner has shown the ability to cheat multiple times with more than one person (not at the same time)…then it’s highly probable that this partner will have no qualms about cheating on you. IMHO, drop this person and be truthful about why you are doing so. Never date a homewrecker.

    Hypocritical to say this, but while it’s noble to believe that people can change, are redeemable, etc – it doesn’t mean that you have to take that project on yourself.

  6. Strong sign he doesn’t have respect for relationships or marriage. Would be a deal breaker for me

  7. Personally, yes an absolute deal breaker. If he was willing to go be an affair partner, it would be to much of a risk for me to invest my time, energy and emotions into someone that normalizes cheating.

  8. > Would it be a dealbreaker for you if your partner had such a history?

    Jesus, you won’t sleep with a guy because he slept with someone who might have been cheating on her partner?

    Would you sleep with a guy who he slept with someone who slept with someone who might have been cheating on his partner?

    Immorality isn’t like chlamydia, it does not itself transmit through sexual contact.

    > And I’m a little worried that he might cheat again

    Cheat again? He hasn’t cheated before!

  9. Eh, yeah that would depend on the context. We’re they open marriages or did he have a thing for married women who wanted an affair. Cause that’s a little worrying. What says he would stop wanting that if he has a girlfriend. I read some study saying that 60-70% have cheated atleast once and I was appalled. Any kind of behavior like that would worry me. Then again it depends how deep our connection is and how much I trust them. That would ware on my trust tho.

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