I (f33) want to do something romantic for him (m37). I don’t plan on buying a bouquet of flowers, just a single rose or a sunflower, and I’ll give him the flower in person and privately.

Flowers have always been perceived as a gift for women, but I think that’s old fashioned and I don’t see why it can’t be a gift for men too.

Sunflowers are a happy memory for me, from when he planted them in our flowerbeds, when I looked at them, they made me happy and I always think of him when I see sunflowers.

  1. It’s a nice gesture. But what do you think he really needs may be a home improvement project tool or a kit.?

  2. After your story and attached memory there’s no way to say no to this lol, I think anyone would enjoy that. Now in the sense of not having anything attached to it, I personally wouldn’t care but that’s because I don’t care for flowers lol

  3. He planted flowers in your beds. So he must like and appreciate flowers already right? Screw if it’s a gift normally “for women,” it sounds like one he’ll appreciate.

  4. He grew his own flowers so I assume he likes them.

    My fiancé isn’t particularly interested in flowers at all but he still gets happy when I bring him a flower I’ve picked for him lol.

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