Every time I (24F) feel horny, I feel helpless and devastated because I am reminded that there are so many things in the way of achieving a healthy relationship with my sexuality. Usually when I’m ovulating or around someone attractive, I feel despair. My fantasy is to have a gratifying or beneficial experience with a person I care about. But I have no idea how to make that happen. Even if anyone were interested in me, I simply do not have the social skills to get myself into a sexual situation. Online dating was a crutch that I used in the past but it only led to depressing and unfulfilling scenarios that left me traumatized. I’m tired if celibacy (I’ve been doing that for 3 years) and I’m tired of therapy (trying it off and on, but difficult to find someone who is able to help me heal.) I doubt anyone here has any answers but I like to rant into the void sometimes because this topic seems a bit too intense to burden my friends.

1 comment
  1. the issue is there’s no magic potion or encantation you can do to just remove nerves etc, i understand it seems difficult but the main and only thing you should focus on is being comfortable…it probably wont take a day ,week or even a month to find someone but when you do, getting to know them, and them you can lead to wonderful things…its easy for us as humans to put alot of expectations and fears on something like intimacy but you need to remember that it happens when it happens…no one can force it. be happy in yourself and reach out to some people, grow as a person and maybe you’ll find someone that fits your needs…what wont fix it is sitting at home worrying about something that might- possibly – could happen. if it goes bad it goes bad, you just try again, you gain nothing from worrying.

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