**Thanks guys, I think we’ve solved this one; blokes talking shit to try and look cool**


I’m talking with somebody on facebook who says he normally sets his cruise control to 110mph, and when he’s pulled over by the police they just let him go as they can’t do anything about it as speed limits are simply a suggestion in the states.

He then went on to say there’s some professions that can speed, and not everyone’s equal and that he’s sorry about that. When asked about what progression he simply said “US Government”, I don’t normally judge a book by the cover but this guy does not look like someone I would assume would hold the kind of job in the US Government (if any) that exempts you from the speed limits (apart from obviously emergency services).

I’d love to be proven wrong, but when asked about what state/law/profession he has he simply told me to “stfu”.

As a brit, I’m assuming he’s talking out of his arse?


Edit – just thought I’d add a couple of quotes.did you know that technically it’s just a suggestion to do that speed limit not a requirement but cops will pull you over so they can get that money they don’t have to pull us over and write the speeding ticket but also you can be pulled over for driving to slow as welland another one…

I’ve been pulled over more then 10x at triple digit speeds. I still have a clean driving record. I set my cruise contr at 110mph. Joey was correct, it’s against the law to impede the flow of traffic, regardless of the speed limit. ie. If you’re doing 70mph in the left lane, and the speed limit is 70mph and either there is someone coming up behind you at 100mph or you have a line of cars behind you, you’re required by law to move over to the right for faster mlving traffic, regardless of the speed limit.


Not sure if it’s allowed but for anyone wanting to let this guy know he’s talking shit you’ll find him here – [https://www.facebook.com/StreetFxUSA/posts/pfbid033TBpyeYWoaezBDE6j7msv3meCKS3fN3MppSLmPGxnfbv8sf37AK42URZeS3eYqjAl?comment\_id=3266002167008164&reply\_comment\_id=590828982497210&\_\_cft\_\_\[0\]=AZUteSJIcfBIzhv039quqDlHxk0vmuMFtW8dIJxhUR7qARKOiO5B8\_E03xnYaCwXIac0gRLabny\_BDcNaIdToEkr2aShfv2TWMtZoUXgZdxrs0w3EFsKPuISLKDpK\_9frxP3CpcuAFi7he1n8kaJ4yyg&\_\_tn\_\_=R](https://www.facebook.com/StreetFxUSA/posts/pfbid033TBpyeYWoaezBDE6j7msv3meCKS3fN3MppSLmPGxnfbv8sf37AK42URZeS3eYqjAl?comment_id=3266002167008164&reply_comment_id=590828982497210&__cft__[0]=AZUteSJIcfBIzhv039quqDlHxk0vmuMFtW8dIJxhUR7qARKOiO5B8_E03xnYaCwXIac0gRLabny_BDcNaIdToEkr2aShfv2TWMtZoUXgZdxrs0w3EFsKPuISLKDpK_9frxP3CpcuAFi7he1n8kaJ4yyg&__tn__=R)\]-R


  1. Is he from Texas?

    That’s the only state I can think of that has highways where you could maybe get away with going 110 mph.

  2. I once got a speeding ticket for driving 28 mph in Miami, FL. It wasn’t a suggestion.

    Edit: I also happen to work for a county government. If pulled over by the county’s police, they wouldn’t care who I work for.

  3. If he is driving a federal government owned vehicle with registration and plates accordingly, yeah they drive fast and will basically never be stopped.

    If he is claiming he does that in his private automobile, he’s full of crap.

    Edit: your edit it makes it obvious you’re talking to a moron or a liar

  4. This guy has big My Girlfriend is So Hot But You Can´t Meet Her Because She Lives in Canada energy.

    He is talking out of every orifice in his body, including his ass, and not telling the truth through any of them.

  5. Montana had the highest speed limits at 80 mph.

    Can’t answer to the police letting off a car with government plates. Might happen but I’d imagine it would be circumstantial and I really doubt if they’re doing 40 mph over, they’d let them off. That’s reckless driving/excessive speeding most everywhere.

    I’d call BS on his claims.

    Edit: I guess, in order not to be out done, Texas has the highest speed limit now of 85. Montana used to be the highest and at one time had none.

  6. This is one of those “50 states, not 1 country” issues.

    Each *state* gets to decide on laws governing speed limits and driving. So some states will set the freeway speed at 65 mph and others will set it at 70 mph. There was a brief period in Montana (I think?) where there was no speed limit on the freeways outside of towns, but that went away when the Federal government said they would withhold funding for freeway repairs unless a speed limit was put in place.

    It’s also worth mentioning that even if there wasn’t a specific speed limit in place, there are *other* laws governing driving, including laws that prohibit driving at “speeds unsafe for the road conditions”. So even on our mythical Montana freeway, driving 110 mph could still get a person charged with *reckless driving* or something similar.

    >He then went on to say there’s some professions that can speed

    Again, we’re into “50 states” territory. In most places, emergency workers (police, fire department, ambulance) are allowed to ignore the speed limit if they are responding to an emergency. (and are safely able to do so) Beyond that, some states have odd laws about *state representatives* having immunity to prosecution for traffic violations while the legislature is in session.

    >As a brit, I’m assuming he’s talking out of his arse?

    Oh hell yeah.

    Even back when Montana had no speed limit, those were not roads you *wanted* to drive 110 mph on.

  7. He’s full of shit. Going 110 mph is a very large ticket and state troopers drool over writing them.

  8. Of course that isn’t true. The only situation I can think of when someone is “allowed to speed” would be if they are performing emergency services like you mentioned, or MAYBE if they have diplomatic plates or if they are friends and family of police. The last one is not an allowance to speed, but if you get pulled over doing a few mph over the limit and have a card or license plate that designates you a close relation or friend of police they might let you off.

    In terms of just speeding though, recklessly, no way. They will bust you without much care for who you work for. Tens of thousands of people work for the federal government alone, they are not exempt from traffic laws.

    Now of course low level corruption is a thing like in any country, I am sure that some people who hold political office, or have other higher level positions might be able to work something out and get out of a violation, but it wouldn’t be the expected outcome.

    It is true that in most states our fines and penalties for speeding are more lenient than in Europe, especially with regard to fines, but they are still enforced.

  9. He’s talking out of his arse so loudly that I can see the poo flying around from northern Montana

  10. He’s full of shit. I admit, speeding on highways in the US happens a lot , usually 5-10 mph over the speed limit, not going 110 in a nation where most highway speeds are between 55 mph and 75 mph. But cops can pull you over and ticket you for any speeding. Going the speeds he says he goes would probably be considered reckless endangerment, and might see him arrested right there.

  11. I bet he’s also ex military with multiple kills to his name? Sounds like a pathological liar.

  12. >sets his cruise control to 110mph

    this is *nuts*. like extremely unusual. I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever seen a car go this fast on an American interstate. this person must be zooming by so fucking fast, regular drivers might call the police with concern. I’m seriously doubting he actually does this.

    >he’s pulled over by the police

    I can’t imagine a world where this doesn’t happen literally every time he drives at this speed.

    >speed limits are simply a suggestion in the states

    LOL. no they’re not. it is true that going about 5-10 mph over is fairly normal & you can do this pretty often without getting pulled over, but I have been pulled over and marked down with a warning for going 10 over before. going 15mph over or more for a long time is asking for a ticket.

    >this guy does not look like someone I would assume would hold the kind of job in the US Government (if any) that exempts you from the speed limits (apart from obviously emergency services).

    >As a brit, I’m assuming he’s talking out of his arse?

    your gut is right on this one.

    re: your edit, some of that stuff is kinda right. some states have laws that designate the left lane for passing. my state has signs on the interstate that say “slower traffic keep right.” but that doesn’t make speeding legal. and I can imagine a cop might pull someone over if they’re going super slow on a fast interstate. that could be dangerous.

  13. Oh yeah, you’re probably getting arrested if you’re driving that fast. Unless he meant kilometers per hour. Which isn’t going to get you pulled over on the highway.

    I’m a government employee, and that doesn’t do shit about getting pulled over or out of tickets. Even if you have a government car.

    Dude was full of shit.

  14. No, that’s ridiculous. You can definitely get ticketed for going over the speed limit, they are not a “suggestion.” Not only that, but 110 is at least 40 MPH over the speed limit on most interstate highways, which depending on the jurisdiction could easily bump the charge up to a criminal offense like reckless driving.

  15. The good news is that if they really are doing 110mph with any regularity, the problem will sort itself out the moment they hit a bit of sand or moisture, a decent size rock, or just an unpredictable change in air currents. This is not a behavior associated with longevity.

  16. I have met cops and ex-cops who speed with impunity because they figure their bros in blue will let them go.

    However I have never been present to see it happen in person.

    But if I am on a group motorcycle ride and one of those ex-cops is leading the ride, I try to get right behind him and keep up because it’s fun as hell

  17. Speed laws vary by state but I don’t think 110 mph would be legal on any public road in the US.

    According to https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/vehicle-code/22350/ some speed limits in California are only presumed, so you could beat a speeding ticket if you convince the court that your speed was safe under the conditions. However, there are still absolute speed limits of 70 mph or less that you have to follow no matter what.

    The cops do not issue tickets every time they see someone speeding. There are so many speeders that it would be impractical to do so. If you speed without getting a ticket, that doesn’t mean you were obeying the law, it just means you got away with breaking the law that time.

  18. The law of impeding traffic 1) isn’t universal across states, and 2) doesn’t legalize speeding. It states that you must move out of the way for traffic if you are in the left lane.

    This is the type of moron who gets pulled over and claims he is exempt from the laws because he is a sovereign citizen. (that doesn’t work, either)

  19. Hahaha what the fuck? Unfriend this idiot or block him or whatever. Sounds like a sovereign citizen, they’re fucking nuts.

    But stay outta the left lane, it’s only for passing

  20. >He then went on to say there’s some professions that can speed, and not everyone’s equal and that he’s sorry about that. When asked about what progression he simply said “US Government”


    He’s referring to Legislative Immunity: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/legislative_immunity#:~:text=A%20legal%20doctrine%20that%20protects,without%20fear%20of%20outside%20interference](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/legislative_immunity#:~:text=A%20legal%20doctrine%20that%20protects,without%20fear%20of%20outside%20interference).

    Yes, technically it does exist.

    99.999996% of us are not exempt from speed limits, though.

  21. I was doing 80ish (75?) once when a guy passed me at what had to have been at least 130 or 140. The sensation was the same as if he passed me at 75, and I was already doing 75. But it was the sound that was freaky. Like a rocket going by. Five or ten seconds later he was gone.

    I continued a few more miles on that road, hoping to see him pulled over, but no luck.

    So you *can* get away with excess speed here and there, but there’s no way in hell someone has cruise control set at 110 unless they are in the parts of Nevada where there are about 12 people total. The roads are too busy for cruise control set at 75 most places I drive, let alone at 110.

  22. I used to drive a lot through very desolate areas like middle of Nevada, middle of California. Could you reach 110 or more and not get caught? Sure. But never sustained. Even in a car very capable of cruising at that speed, it can be very fatiguing. I very much believe that that person has reached those speeds, but 110 on cruise control? Fuck that. Also, in a lot of those rural areas, speeds might be enforced by aircraft, and looking out for planes is a lot harder when driving that fast.

  23. The fastest way to get a cop to totally give you a ticket is to say “but I am [profession x].” They hate that.

    If I said “I’m a lawyer” or “I work with your union/association” I can guarantee the cop would say “lol enjoy the ticket.” Hell, if I tried that union bullshit I bet it would get back to my boss and I would get in trouble. The union/association admin would absolutely not stand for that and neither would my company.

  24. It does not matter who the person is, if they are going 110mph, they will get a ticket and likely their license revoked. That speed, outside a race track, is reckless driving.

  25. I’ve never felt safe going above 90 on a public road. Not enough time to react to dumb shit. Highest speed limit I’ve seen is 75 but I think some Texas roads have no speed limit but that’s dumb as hell to go that fast on then since they’re in the middle of nowhere

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