I saw an over 6 foot muscular guy at the metro today, 20s, blue eyes, beautiful brown curly hair, perfect features etc and I just wonder how do the guys like that feel when they can get any girl and just so attractive haha? Would it be weird if a girl tries to talk to you?

  1. It feels intrusive most of the time.

    Starting with childhood, I was always stared at, commented on, flirted with, and generally made very uncomfortable. What’s worse, my guys have our DNA and got/get the same responses. It’s like being Paul Newman or other notable (but not dead) famous person

  2. You are seriously objectifying men here. People like to talk about how men objectify women, but women are just as ─ if not more ─ guilty of it, this post being exhibit A. The laughter after “attractive” makes it worse.

    Second, a man, no matter how attractive, cannot just talk to any woman (you people make sure that’s the case). If he comes up to a girl all confident, you’d probably say he’s an arrogant prick and tell him to back off, so it ain’t that simple.

    Third: a girl making the move won’t have a uniform reaction. Some men may like it, some may get uncomfortable with it, some may actually despise it. Taking the risk is up to you. Not that you would, you benefit from the societal rule that the guy should come to you (which is why a lot of women are frustrated for not finding men, actually. If you want to find, go looking, don’t expect him to wash up on your shore).

    Fourth: Friendly advice ─ work your punctuation. And follow English grammar: you missed an “are” before “just so attractive”.

  3. I mean I imagine it’s similar to how Terry Cruise & Hugh Jackman feels

    Or like when Michael B Jordan told the reporter to keep her eyes on his eyes

    Objectified all the time, not sure who to trust, but can get away with a lot of things if they felt like it

    They’re probably used to either girls approaching them or girls staring at them from afar like a unicorn in nature

    Then again women statistically don’t approach as often as men so I figure it’s unicorn staring mostly

    So if you wanted to talk to him I say go for it as long as you respect his boundaries if he visibly doesn’t wish to speak

  4. I wouldn’t consider myself “Extremely” attractive but I have most of the features you’re talking about.

    Eventually getting attention for your looks is just normal. You can’t get every girl, the girls who approach you often aren’t very attractive and you still have to live your life work, eat, sleep, just like anybody else. If anything when I was younger it made me uncomfortable to get attention.

  5. Most attractive people don’t know they’re attractive and don’t realize it. I’m not talking about super model looks, just above average attractive people. They get attention, dates, and sex but they think that is normal. Another fact is that people never tell an attractive person that they are attractive or compliment them on their looks, they assume that attractive people already know. I didn’t learn that I was attractive until in my 30s a male coworker told me and then asked me, “How many of the women in this company have you had sex with?” All of them, I answered. He then told me that other guys at the company were lucky to get with one or two. I had all twenty. I thought it was normal. Then he asked me how many women overall have I had sex with so far in life, I stopped counting at a hundred. He was shocked. But I thought it was normal for everyone.

  6. Some days I wake up, stay undressed, go outside, and with hands on hips thank society for having me.

    If I can be the lantern for a wayward traveler lost in the woods at night then that’s the cross I’m willling to bear for humanity.

    If I can serve as the inspiration for the next sculpture of David, then so be it. Somebody has to. I went to an art museum and overheard someone ask while gazing at the Mona Lisa, “doesn’t it look like she’s looking at someone?” and with all humility I answered, “yes .. she’s looking at me.”

    I could go on but humility keeps me from doing so. Being so good looking is just tough. I wish I could be ugly just to admire someone like me. I got noone.

  7. it does have some drawbacks; some people automatically dislike you for no reason (even as a child)

    more difficulty making friends due to jealousy and egos etc.

    being held to higher standards in other aspects than everyone else

    and to your point about being able to get “any girl” – paradoxically, there are loads of women who specifically would never go for the guy who can “get any girl”

  8. I have no idea, I am extremely average looking, but if you like a guy and want to approach him then go for it. Some may like it, some may not but who cares? Youre never gonna see him again most likely.

  9. Overall well received in new social settings (not just in a sexual way but friendliness way), also very approachable. however being someone above average looks, it doesn’t necessarily equate to a benefit in forming long term deep relationships romantic or otherwise. I’d also say to a degree less good looking people can get a big leg up by dressing well and good hygiene, having charisma, being a “social butterfly” etc. I’ll also add if you look at above average guys you may find they are with average looking women. Make of that what you will

  10. I personally wouldn’t consider myself extremely attractive but I haven’t had any problems getting the attention of a women I find attractive. I’d say it has very small perks as far as ppl are nicer to you in certain aspects like being able to talk myself into getting like a free drink at a drive thru or something small like that. The women who you’d want to approach you never do and when I go out to bars intoxicated women might grab on you in certain way you don’t find comfortable.

  11. If I’m being honest with myself I’m a 8 /10 guy. Been working out for years, 20s, great hair, large penis E.T.C. I was overweight and had terrible hair for years so I’ve actually experienced tye difference between being 8 vs 5-6. People treat me better and I get more immediate respect. Girls especially treat me nice.

  12. This isn’t quite the answer you’re looking for, but maybe you’ll find it edifying.

    Obviously, I can’t speak from experience, but my observation has been that highly attractive people (men and women) receive *much* more attention in genral. Much of that attention is positive, but a lot of it is also negative. The positives are that you will automatically be perceived as intelligent, competent, kind, confident, trustworthy, etc. This leads to many more opportunities that most people need to work harder for, both in terms of social life and career.

    The negatives, however, mostly deal with being objectified. Highly attractive women, for example, will have many men complimenting their appearance and asking them out. Sounds great, right? But a good number of these men won’t easily take “no” for an answer and will persist in a harrassing manner. Keep in mind that these women can easily be physically overpowered by the other man. For highly attractive men, the objectification is moreso that they are only valued for their appearance and seen as nothing else, to the point where they’re not even a person. Here is an [example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkJY9cecLwA) with Henry Cavill and another [example](https://youtu.be/xNFOPCdKlz4?t=5) with Taika Watiti talking about Chris Hemsworth.

  13. Well I’m certainly not model tier but I have decent height, muscular and switch out the rest for what is considered “good looking” in Asia.

    I think it’s cool that girls want to talk to you but unfortunately I’m not the type to screw everything that moves so I don’t get to take advantage of it.

    The part I hate the most is that at parties I get the impression I’m competition to the guys. They don’t talk to me etc unless I REALLY go out of my way to talk. The girls there are easy to talk to. Making male friends at the gym has been so easy so it’s definitely the setting.

    Other thing is girls assume you are a player. That can be a good or a bad thing and depending on your beliefs, platonic female friends is very difficult outside of work or school. They’ll steer it towards a relationship and then drift away when you hold the line.

    Also you’re going to get touched inappropriately. As men we’re expected to like it I guess?

  14. You just described me, except I’m not in my 20s anymore. It feels normal to me.

    I like when women approach me. If she’s approaching me, I don’t have to guess if she likes me or not, unlike when I approach a woman.

    I will say that being attractive gives me more options and I don’t sette for unacceptable behaviors and attitude from women; whereas, my less attractive brothers feel the need to put up with that crap because they are afraid they can’t get another woman.

  15. lonely as shit. I’d be surprised if a girl approached me and actually talked to me, I get nervous and say something stupid that terminates the conversation if that happens

  16. I consider myself an 8.5/10 based on my physical appearance plus the kind of girls i dated. Women approached me often when I was out and about. To answer your question, it feels good when a girl approaches you because most people who are above average in attractiveness arent self-centered enough to think about their looks 24/7. So, next time you see a cute guy, go for it! I wouldn’t have met my amazing wife if she didn’t come up to me

    Edit: btw now I am 23 and she’s 20 . We met when she was 18, and me 21

  17. As a 4/10 I will say even pretty boys can feel self conscious because if you compare yourself to others you will always find flaws. But still wouldn’t mind being more handsome and fit with zero effort. lol

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