Me and my bf have been together for almost 2 years. About 6 months into us dating he started vaping. But it progressed to excess use of coffee and energy drinks, Kratom, tobacco dip,and eventually he was stealing my anxiety and ADD meds. I’m prescribed adderall. He was serious about quitting and even went to rehab for a week. He was offered a nicotine patch and didn’t even use it!

He’s been out for about a month. I found a vape he said he threw it out but I found it again. I also found energy shots in his car. This is a slippery slope. I feel like all he says is a lie. We can’t go on dates unless I pay because he spends all his money on this stuff. Any advice?

TLDR: think he is trying to quit and I know that addiction is hard to break. I’ve been lied too so many times I feel like there is no trust in this relationship

  1. Dealing with an addict is alot to ask and it would be fair for you to step out of the relationship. The kind of help he needs goes way above what you yourself can provide. If he has other friends or family that you can reach out to maybe setting up an intervention or some kind of support. id also recommend hiding or locking up your medication. The faster that this is dealt with the better it will be cause it will only get worse from here on out.

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