Hello everyone I’ll keep this short,

There’s a friend of mine with whom I’m close and I’ve known for 3 years. We used to talk a lot and hang out regularly.

Lately we both broke up on the same day and we had a little chat. She told me I was a wonderful person and she wanted to see me more, and that i deserved what’s best since she thought of me as amazing and she repeatedly told me she’ll miss me and our talks. I was like “well it’s not like any of us is moving out of town or anything so it should be fine”.

Around that time she asked me twice if I would like to go on a little vacation with her to the beach, just the two of us. Since I was kinda depressed because of the recent break up I politely declined, i didn’t want to be a party pooper.

I like hanging out with her she’s really fun and all so we chatted like we used to for about three weeks until I asked her if she would like to meetup, she then found excuses to avoid meeting up and from then on took 24 hours between every text replies. I kept my texting habits though, I’m not always on my phone but whenever I can i answer.

It feels like she’s turning me down but I’ve never hinted any romantic or sexual interest towards her.

Maybe it’s something else but the 24 hours mark seems voluntary, all the while bailing out of any activities would it be the two of us or with mutual friends.

Anyway I’m wondering what I did wrong, I’m wondering if a friendship dies like that, usually it seemed more lengthy when it happened and never a day to day change

I feel like I’m overthinking it but it’s a first for me, I never lost any friends like that and it’s quiet painful

Tldr; Friend of mine is slowly pulling away as if I did something really wrong without clearly explaining it and tries to avoid any contact with me abruptly.

  1. Is she OK health wise? Maybe she’s going through something or has depression and is thinking of taking her life.

    Maybe that’s why she wanted to go on vacation with you.

    You need to ask her. Be supportive when you do.

  2. I’m going through something like this, my close friend seems to be pulling away. It seems as if she doesn’t want to be friends anymore and I have no idea why or how you can be so close with someone and then just disappear.

  3. Kinda sounds like she might be thinking of taking her own life… hope you’re able to reach her and be a support before something happens.

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