how do you deal with harrassment as a woman ?

  1. I try to make the other person feel just as uncomfortable as I do. For example, If I catch a man staring at me for too long, I just stare back at him until he looks away.

  2. I one day was walking to my car alone after getting some stuff from target, I was wearing a matching navy blue tennis skirt and top, I honestly felt pretty cute which I don’t very often. I will say I’m very well endowed with my chest size (although I don’t like it to much). While walking a car drove towards me and 3 men my age or older (19-20s) yelled “nice tits” I don’t know whether this seems like something they think would get them somewhere but it definitely won’t. This really hasn’t happened to me before, I get staring often and did all through High school, but this totally caught me off guard and I stood in shock for a few seconds and then continued on but felt super uncomfortable. Not much I could’ve done since I was walking to my car and they were driving away.

  3. I publicly shame them, loudly. Yelling “Get the F away from me!” very loud usually works.

  4. When I lived in America I had this happen a lot, mainly by pedos who thought I was under 18 because I look so young, they’d come up to me and say things like “Where are your parents?” And try touching my hair

    I’d scream BLOODY.FUCKING.MURDER and they’d run away in a panic, no guy is going to stick around to harass you if you let out the world’s loudest scream that makes them look like a rapist.

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