Me(M23) and my girlfriend(F23) have had a lot of fights in the past 2 months. So much so that last month I chose to start drinking. This was a wrong choice on my part. But I was looking for a way out. I was alone. But this evening things went badly wrong. I was with a friend at my house. After an hour I decided to grab the bottle of vodka and get my friend involved. We drank that way through the evening. But then my girlfriend came later in the evening. I knew this because she was coming to pick up some groceries. She saw us in this condition. She was shocked. Because she knows I don’t drink. Me and my friend were totally under influence. I don’t remember anything about this evening. The next morning I see my girlfriend next to me. She lay with me all night watching me. She told me how she was verbally attacked by that friend of mine. And she said how that wasn’t a friend who let me drink. She calls it bad influence when I’m definitely wrong myself. I admit this honestly. I deeply regret what I did and I would never do this again in my life. I’ve been saying this all day long. She wants me to never have contact with that friend again which I understand. Only she thinks I keep defending him because I tell him it’s not because of him. I took that bottle of vodka myself. She got my whole family involved in this fight and if I wanted to make things right I had to tell her family everything. I did this the same day. But after this terrible day, she was able to tell that our relationship is over. I drove home with sadness but also a kind of relief. Because I had already built a kind of wall. The reason is all because of the toxic fights we’ve had in the past, as I don’t tell when I quickly went to eat something at the Macdonalds. She’s insecure. I have tried to improve this throughout our relationship by communicating well with each other. But I sometimes miss the freedom to just put my phone away and do my own thing. I love her and don’t look after another woman.

The next day I had her removed everywhere and a little later in the afternoon she calls me. She tells me if I would really go for her, I would call her that morning. But I was done with it. I had partially canceled our holiday. But I gave it one more chance. We went to meet and put everything on the table. She then told me that she had 0 percent confidence in me since the beginning of the relationship. She also never felt like I put her first. This hurt me even more because I always tried my best but she never saw this. She had access to all my data and social media. So our holiday went on and we recently had the best 2 weeks with only 2 minor discussions. But of course this is because we are together 24/7. Then she has confidence because she is with me. Now we’re back and I’m very emotional about everything and I’m scared how it’s going to end. She has already said she has doubts before the holiday. We are now on thin ice as we are in a long distance relationship.

TLDR; I don’t know what my future is with my girlfriend because of things that happened in the past. She doesn’t trust me. But when we are together we have the best time of our lives.

  1. Do you have a history with alcohol? I’m trying to contextualize the guilt tripping about… getting drunk once? That’s either someone who is scared for you because you have a history of alcohol abuse… or someone who is emotionally manipulating you.

    Either way, you yourself describe this relationship as toxic. That’s not a type of relationship anyone should be fighting for.

  2. >I deeply regret what I did and I would never do this again in my life.

    Are you from a culture that has banned alcohol or something? Because this seems like an excessive response for simply getting drunk.

    >She wants me to never have contact with that friend again which I understand.

    She’s trying to make you end a friendship and you’re OK with this?

    She sounds like a nightmare.

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