I have bad cramps and bleeding for days after sex. I have had iud for 2 years.

  1. What’s likelihood of getting pregnant with iud?? We have had 7 days consistent sex without pulling out.

  2. Just go get it checked with a ultrasound, it’s better safe than sorry! I had my last one for about 4 years no problems and started having some spotting after sex but didn’t think it was a big deal I just thought the sex kinda jump started my period. I’m not sure if it’s directly related but over time my iud got pushed down into the cervical canal and i went from occasional very light periods to super heavy bleeding right around the 5 year mark. It didn’t hurt really except my cervix was pretty tender. Turns out I likely had a miscarriage. They checked it with the speculum and it looked normal, but when they did the ultrasound it was definitely not supposed to be down there! Shortly after I had mine replaced. So even if they say it looks in place during the exam just opt to do the ultrasound anyway. Light spotting is generally normal but if you feel like something is off there is no harm in getting it checked

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