Is there a good situation or way to ask him? Where cuddling pretty often and pretty intense but I just don’t know how to ask and when. We met last week for the first time after 3-4months but we cuddled so
much he even forgot the time and got home late. How often should we meet again before I ask him? Tbh I don’t even know if I just want a friendship with benefits or if I want a real relationship. Pls answer my questions:)

  1. Ask him if he would want to pursue a sexual relationship. Ask him exactly what I said if you wish.

  2. It might be best to first figure out what kind of relationship you want to have with him. You need to go into it both agreeing you want the same things from it, otherwise a world of pain is awaiting at least one of you.

  3. > I don’t even know if I just want a friendship with benefits or if I want a real relationship.

    Answer that question before you do anything else!

  4. If you decide to follow through…

    While cuddling, just ask him if he wants to fool around a lil. Find out if the sex is good before asking for a FWB.

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