I dread the topic of ‘what do you like to do?’ comes up. I usually just give incredibly vague answers like reading, but when people press for more information I get incredibly uncomfortable, since I don’t like sharing.

I have incredibly unpopular and weird interests that many people wouldn’t have in common. At the same time, I don’t really like popular interests. Which just leads to awkward silence. A lot of people probably think I do absolutely nothing with my life because I never give a clear answer.

Some examples:
I like the SCP foundation, but when I tell anyone they have no idea what I’m talking about. I like historical fiction that’s based on someone life, or just around life in general from a different time period. Though people prefer fantasy books like harry potter. I don’t like TV, though a lot of people talk about the latest Netflix original. I like music, but I couldn’t name a band I specifically like.

So, I just avoid the conversation all together.

  1. I have a bunch of ideas for manga I’d like to create but no one has ever really been invested in it

  2. Same here. It makes me ask what the point of talking even is if I’m not going to relate to anybody I’m supposed to be talking to.

  3. I know the reason I dislike sharing my interests is due to my insecurity about them, but I’m getting over it. It sounds like you may also feel insecure about your hobbies with how you describe them as “incredibly unpopular and weird.” I’m curious if your interests deserve the negative connotation you give them; after all, you find them fascinating.

    Also, it can be a beautiful thing when people have nothing in common with you because y’all get to gush about your experiences and teach each other. I find that people care more about your energy in the conversation than your details.

  4. Me too! I hate sharing about myself and my interests. I feel like i am giving away a part of myself. Gosh. I hate it.

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