“I’m good” or “I’m okay” or “I’m alright,” whatever are too boring.

  1. You always gotta kick it back unless you don’t like the person.

    I say “I’m good how you doing?” If I like them

    Or “good thanks” if I dont

  2. Usually I say “could be better”, and when it’s actually going amazing I tell them about what I usually say and how I’m actually doing really well now

  3. It depends on the context when asked. If it’s a good friend that you haven’t seen in a long time then it’s perfectly acceptable to tell them how you’ve actually been and what you’ve been up to. But if it’s a stranger like at a store or something or an acquaintance that’s not really a good friend then they are just being polite and don’t actually care how you’ve been. In that case just answer “I’m good how are you.” or something along those lines.

    I always like the “Same shit different day” response.

  4. People are naturally going to say “ I’m good “ everytime . If you want to make the conversation interesting say

    Something that you did that day and add how it made you feel.

    For example if someone were to ask me “how are you?”, I would say something like

    Honestly my day has been pretty interesting, I got to workout earlier today and it was cool because the gym was empty so I got to finish my workout quickly.

    Gives people more to respond to and makes the conversation more interesting

    Saying a response like this is much better than just saying I’m good because it’s boring and that’s what most people are going to say.

    So remember if someone ask you how are you, say something you did that day and how it made you feel.

  5. well you could elaborate more on why you’re good or bad etc. “how are you” “i’m doing good, a little tired i couldn’t sleep last night” something like that and then ask them how they are too.

  6. I’ve been honest lately. Depends on the person/situation, but usually I’ll keep it positive. “Doing well” or “enjoying the day”. Bad days, “It’s been a day” or “could be better”. You never know which person might get curious with your statement and dive deeper and it could help your day out. If they don’t, don’t take it personal and go about getting through the day.

  7. To be clear – this is by no means a putdown of people who ask “how are you?”, but just my personal perspective: I SO ABSOLUTELY LOATHE THAT QUESTION!
    I have no interest in engaging in inane, meaningless chatter. When people ask “How are you?” as a greeting, they don’t expect and for the most part are not interested in an actual answer, but instead want to hear “Good, how ’bout you?” back. Thankfully, it is not as common over here in Germany as it is in the US, but it still rubs me the wrong way.

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