Today at Church I noticed a girl looking at me, she was really cute, at first I got nervous and looked away, but she kept doing it so I thought I might as well smile to make things less akward, and to my surprise she smiled back, this was my first time i have ever smiled to a girl I’ve noticed looking at me, it would start as a small smile and then it would turn big the more we did it, we continued doing this until mass ended, I would’ve asked her out but im not even from here and im leaving to another country in 2 days, it really made my day

  1. I remember practicing smiling at strangers in college. One girl I never saw again smiled back when I smiled at her with prolonged eye contact, then just walked past each other going on about our day.

    It definitely made my day, I remember the moment well. Thats a memory for you to cherish over the rest of your life if you’d like. Remember that if youve done it once, you could probably do it twice (or more!).

  2. I don’t know how people are able to maintain eye contact with strangers , it intimidates the shit out of me.As if it enables them to read my mind.

  3. Aw this is too cute. I feel like I personally just stare at people and forget to smile because I’m in my head overthinking

  4. Look at person.

    If they look back, smile.

    If they smile back, walk up and say “Hi, How are you?”

    If they are receptive talk about whatever pops into your head. If not, walk away.

  5. Nice! feels great.

    I can’t keep eye contact for the life of me, not because i’m scared but because i focus way too much about looking them in the eye and i don’t focus on what their saying (plus i fumble over my words when i speak back while holding eye contact). Again not fear, more like confusion

  6. See if you can get her contact information. Social media or even home address to write letter to each other (the latter method might be less appealing these days).

  7. I would be so happy if this happened to me.

    Then I’d die inside knowing I have no worth.

  8. A tip: instead of asking her for her number/insta/whatever, just give her yours. Good luck!

  9. Reminds me of my younger days. I never had the confidence to talk to girls or even look towards their general direction but i eventually got the courage to look at a girl for more than 2-3 seconds at a time. That was my whole game, i thought if i looked at her a couple of times everyday and if she noticed that I’m looking, she would end up liking me. I wasn’t exactly prince charming so it ended up creeping her out instead

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