You see a woman that are you sexually attracted to and she is with her group of friends. What are the social logistics to keep her and her friends engaged while you are trying to make a move on the woman you find sexually attractive?

  1. First thing you need to do is separate her from the herd. Typically you bring along a “wingman” that engages her friends while you attack. According to good will hunting, you should go for the least attractive member of the group.

  2. Go up to the whole group, introduce yourself to one of the friends.

    “Hello I’m weirdgroovynerd, can you introduce me to your friend?”

    Ask one of the other friends:

    “I need you to be my wingman, help me out here.”

    The combination of humor and confidence can often do the trick.

  3. You make eye contact, smile, and then leave it.

    If she wants you, she’ll approach.

  4. Its not about “logistics” its about the combination of boldness, assertiveness, charisma to get and keep the group’s attention. Followed by the proactive-ness to steer the interaction to where you want it to go

  5. Go up to the group. Introduce yourself and look to her and say what’s her name. You will first catch them off guard. 1 of 2 things will happen next. She will be interested or she won’t be. Say you thought she was cute and wanted to meet her. If she likes you she will talk with you. If she’s not interested or has a boyfriend she will tell you. Get her number if she does like you then ask her out. If she’s not interested say it was nice to meet you and walk away. Either way they will be imptessed you had the freakin balls to walk up to the group and talk to them.

  6. So after reading all this bad advice given to you by other men, I’ll share some tips and a strategy for you.

    We know when you’re bringing in a wingman to get rid of the rest of us. We’re not dumb. It’s textbook guy behavior. DON’T ask her friends to introduce you to her either, it’s insulting and likely will turn your target off to you. DO understand that this group of friends are her High Council and she will receive feedback and advice from them about you. So you can try to get rid of us but we’re going to be involved whether you like it or not.

    The trick is to be charming and impress THE GROUP. Acknowledge all the ladies present with smiles and eye contact. Even the ones you find unattractive. They are also part of the High Council and we notice these little things. Talk to ALL of us. Throw out some jokes and (don’t tell but) SHOW us how cool/nice/sweet a guy you are. Make us feel relaxed in your presence.

    And once we’re all smiling THEN you can start to hone in on your target. Give her an extra compliment and pinch more of extra attention. The High Council will note this and start sending nonverbal messages to each other that you will definitely not notice. This is NOT a bad thing. Make an offer to see her again sometime, leave your number with her and start to make your exit. Once again, acknowledge ALL the women in the group with eye contact when you say your goodbyes but linger on your target then disappear.

    The High Council meeting will begin the moment you leave the area. Every woman in the group will get to say her piece on if you’re good enough to date. Roll your eyes all you want, but this is how it works. If you were smooth and polite and considerate enough to involve all the ladies in the group, it will act in your favor because we will actually be supporting the match. Even the unattractive ones will be arguing in your favor and you can bet we’ll bring it up the next day if she hasn’t called you yet.

    Getting her friends on your side will increase your chances of getting to spend some real alone time with her in the near future. We will literally be pushing her to go for it on our end.

    I’ll answer more questions if you got them.

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