My gf is starting grad school and her new job in September and I’m very happy for her! I know it’s going to be a tough two years academic wise and I want to be there for her and support her. There are a few worries that I have in mind though, 1. I’m worried we won’t have time for each other anymore, 2. I’m worried she’s going to lose feelings as time goes by due to her studies, and 3. What if she meets someone else? We spoke about it and she said that she knows since we’re both going to be busy we’ll think of ways to see each other when we have time. She said why would she lose feelings for me if she loves me and that she wouldn’t look for someone else, she’s only there to learn and study. That helped alot but I still get worried at points, I really love this person and I just want to be there for her, I’m here too support her and encourage her to continue doing great in life. I’m just scared on what will the future bring. I’m going back to school as well but to get my bachelors and she’s being very supportive.

TL;DR: my gf is starting grad school and I have some worries but despite talking about it with her I get worried still. Any tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship when in grad school?

1 comment
  1. Grad school can kind of take over your brain: thinking about the subject is usually your main thing in life, plus your grad school social circle is often your main one. The danger isn’t so much that she’ll meet someone else but that you’ll grow apart as you both develop new interests, social circles and priorities.

    I’d say make sure you share a large amount of each other’s downtime and get to know each other’s friends really well.

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