Men of reddit who travel across the world to settle down, what helps you not feeling homesick, missing your friends and family? not to feel lonley.

1 comment
  1. Being generally pretty introverted has helped me cope with the move.

    It’s only been 3 months so maybe the worst is still to come, I have felt some loneliness at times but mostly my partner is enough.

    Being introverted I didnt have many friends to begin with and the ones I did have I didn’t see overly frequently, probably only once every 2-3 months.

    As for family, I guess I’m a bit different in I’ve never felt homesick leaving my family, my first halfway around the world trip (Australia to USA) without them was when I was 14 and even then I didn’t miss them. I guess I know they’re always there, if I need them they’re a phone call or a flight away. No big deal.

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