I have had strong feelings for this one guy (guy A) for past half year. We got along and met last year via school and then somehow things happened between us, but was never a thing. I initially had no emotional feelings but slowly developed them, so strong that I can’t help myself reaching out to him from time to time even though he shows no interest in me anymore, so much i have emotional break down, so strong that i cry once awhile and tried so many things to move on. Rarely there are days i do fine not thinking about him, but most days, my head is filled with him and dreams in where he always tries to win me over. I can’t confess my feelings for him because i think will boost his ego and takes advantage of me. I don’t know what to do. In the meantime, there was guy B, whom i might have mislead abit. I invited him to a Halloween party and it was fun chatting with him. Confidentially guy A was there but he didn’t really make the effort to chat with me, so i stayed with guy B and tried to make guy A jealous. Guess didn’t work. Anyways guy B later messaged me about how he liked hanging out with me and thought we should do it more often. Over time we hung out more, then we went on one date. We didn’t make it explicit on being bf/gf , at the time I think i have just small feeling for him, so i was fine with sleeping over at his and his at mine. Ate together, studied together and such. Though, time passes i found that my feelings werent for him, rather for guy A and things doing with guy B were more I like the idea of having soemone who treats me well and surrounds attention to me. Anyways so i kinda told him how i don’t really know the feelings but better that we stay friends. So that happened and he kinda became cold to me, less texting. Ever since, from time to time, i do wonder how he is doing and wanting to hang out with him, which happened once or twice and we would chat til like 1 or 2 am. Moving forward to now, apparently he has a gf. Now i am very bothered by it. I don’t know what to do because my feelings aren’t super strong yet I am bothered by he has someone else and i envy that person isn’t me. I took him for granted.

I just don’t know what to do. My feelings are going back and forth and forth. Really frustrated with the idea of i can’t be with either one of them. Did online dating but i have no spark even been chatting with them for months. TdLr; stuck with feelings with two guys at the same time. One doesn’t take interest in me because he is a playboy. The other was interested before and now has a gf. There is no option being with either one of them, only stuck with feeling crappy

1 comment
  1. Leave B alone. You used him, he’s got a gf now and he’s not interested. Go live your life, meet other people, do your own things. You’ll move on.

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