On mobile so excuse any formatting mistakes.

My girlfriend (23) and I (24) have been together almost 4 years. At the start of this year we were talking about getting married and having children, then hit a bit of a rough patch. At the start of this months we spoke about how irregular our sex life has been and she hit me with the bombshell that she thinks it’s because she’s pretty sure she’s into women and wants to experiment sexually.

I took a couple of days to think about it and let the situation sink in a bit more, and told her I’m okay with her experimenting while we’re together as I feel it would be a massive shame to break up and give up on everything we had planned in case she decides she doesn’t like it. She seemed happy with the idea but after a week later (Friday just gone) she said she wants to explore on her own.

We spoke about it, I’m moving out so she has time to explore, and we agreed if she feels like it she cam get back in touch in the next 6-12 months if she wants to give us another try. I know we ended on good terms and it’s more than can be said for a lot of couples in a situation like this, but we were going to get married, have children, and now it’s all been ripped apart. I’m really struggling to cope with the situation.

I still love her, and everything we spoke about gives me hope even though I know its unlikely she will ever reach out, I’m just really struggling and need advise on how to proceed. Do I just work on myself and hope to hear from her or do I move on?

TL;DR: Girlfriend of 4 years came out as bisexual, we broke up and the situation is really messing me up. Need advice on how to carry on with my life.

  1. Hey man, this is the start of your new chapter, its going to be a sad start but yea work on you, do thinks you like to do.

    Dont cling, she made a major decision, and you have to accept it and move on.

  2. This aint news guys like to hear. Its best to just work on yourself. First reflect if theres something to reflect back on. You aint really give us much details besides saying you D game was so poor you turned a girl lesbian. If yo d game trash bro you gotta work on that, foreplay or sumn. if you down for it go for a hookup and after ask them how their experience was and go from there.

    You just need to come to an acceptance that shes gone and be happy that someone with those red flags aint around you anymore. Yall was bout to get married and have kids but now she’s not into men?

    If i was the skeptical type id say she was cheating and made that lie up as an excuse to leave you for the next. Even better for you moving away from her. Hit that Gym bro get right, and take some time for yourself mentally and spiritually to get you back on the right path. there’s plenty of women out there no need to get caught up on one

  3. People deal with these things differently, if she just wants to experiment maybe you could do something like an open relationship ? I don’t really understand, did you cut contact entirely ? That’s a bit rough. Gl, maybe you can still be in her life as a friend, then you can still have a life together even if not how you imagined aat first.

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