So I was minding my own business and she came up to me and started conversation. She was joking with me like how she was going to sue me just because she felt like it etc. (We were in a financial class so hence the sueing thing) We kept conversation for the whole hour we were there, and during that time she pulled out a massive Ipad and started drawing. I mentioned how I liked the hair on her drawing a certain way and color and she changed it to that and went on about her drawing while still talking to me. She also asked about my other classes and who my teachers were and we talked about another class we have together. When it was time to transition to our final class she said goodbye first, since we weren’t going in the same direction I said goodbye too and I’ve been think about it ever since. I see her tomorrow and I’m excited but nervous, because I like her but I’m not sure if she was just being nice or she likes me too.

1 comment
  1. Give it a shot dude she talked to you first in a college course ask her to get coffee after

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