I was on a first date recently. I don’t think I felt super into him, but was trying to be open and see where the date went. Sort of out of nowhere, he asked me what medications Im on, and it made me pretty uncomfortable. I know mental health and everything should be destigmatized, and in general I’m pretty open that I take meds to help with anxiety, but to be asked by a someone I just met about any and all prescriptions I am taking felt intrusive. Am I being too prudish here, or do people our age (20s) talk about this stuff casually and he was just making conversation?

  1. Some people can sense when others are ‘under the influence’ of straightjacketing meds like antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds.

    >I take meds to help with anxiety

    Anxiety is poorly managed through meds (imo), based on my own experiences. Perhaps this will greatly help:


    **anxiety prevention tip:**

    I think you’d likely benefit from practising ‘quiet times’ of 20-30 minutes of just sitting and Not dwelling on anything (a form of meditation). Very difficult at first (I needed to watch a DVD of nature scenes / a fireplace as an anchor/distraction to keep my mind from wandering). youtube has lots of fireplace videos. Others intone ‘mantras’ or focus on breathing.

    There are several benefits: better sleep, easier days (upsets do not hit nearly as hard), and I think that likely after practising “not dwelling” on anything, you’ll have better control of your thoughts and acquire the ability to ‘turn off’ your anxiety reaction to situations.

    At first doing this daily should work best. After awhile, only as needed. I’ve been doing this for about two decades and lately have only felt an urge to do it a half dozen days of the year.

    A useful lesser calming practice is to do housework routines for say five minutes at a slower (70-80% rate) pace — a form of ‘walking meditation’, which you may find similarly soul refreshing.

  2. Friend of mine who recently become father tell me about some complication with child beacuse child have “Hemolytic disease of the newborn” and thier doc say to them that question about blood should be one of the first question that should be bring up on first date

  3. It’s weird, especially if it was out of nowhere. you should have asked him why he’s asking that

  4. It is probably a deal breaker for him and he doesn’t want to invest a lot of time dating someone. Before you decide to answer, I would ask why the question.

  5. I think it’s rude of him to ask you that. None of his business. It’s just the first date.

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