So basically I’ve slept with 4 people in my life.

With the first 3, finding the clitoris was never an issue.

However, with person number 4 I searched far and wide but genuinely could not find the little f\*cker at all. I even asked her to guide me but she basically just said “I’ll tell you when you’re there”.

Anyone have an explanation for this? I’ve never had this issue before but I’m just really embarrassed and it kinda killed the mood for me 🙁

  1. Maybe it was really tiny? I would blame the woman since she couldn’t even guide you. Unusual issue for sure.

  2. It can be really quite small on some women. I wouldn’t be embarrassed; talk to her about it openly. Tell her you want to please her. Have her show you how she masturbates, that’ll give you a good clue as to how best to stimulate her clit.

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