So I’m not sure how to deal with or feel about gf getting upset everytime money comes up. We moved in together recently, but as far as this month we had to buy a lot of things and she had to pay for a bed that was broken at the old place. So she is in her overdraft but doesn’t have a single bit of other debt, so she has less money this month. She decided to buy a tattoo for £150 and wants to pay off her overdraft fully as it upsets her owing any money at all, she won’t even pay off a tiny bit so she has money this month.

I got two things…and I’m wondering if I’m being mean at all?

First she has been upset a good few days over the money but…she has literally cried a few days in a row, just asked me to go to the other room because she is upset about not having much money next month, even if the month after she will be fine and wants time alone in bed to cry….maybe I am being mean but I don’t see the need to cry about it if it will get sorted the month after, and a little overdraft isn’t a big deal, it’s not like it’s a massive loan or she is struggling at all. I tried to explain and tried to just literally be there for her but she just gets upset cries, calls herself poor and things. Not sure how to actually deal with the situation any suggestions??

Second, I told her she could rely on me more this month as we are bf/gf, we are living together in a relationship and it’s 100% fine. I got told, I’m independent I like having my own money, I haven’t got money this month to buy or do anything, I like being able to buy things myself what am I going to do, then she started crying…is it bad I’m upset she doesn’t want to rely on me even a tiny bit…I’m guessing some people will say of course she is independent and she shouldn’t at all, but I’m guessing others will also say, the way I’m thinking that it’s a relationship, I’d like if she rely’d on me more as its a relationship and I’m here for her.

But I’m not sure at all what to do..she is just upset, doesn’t want to do anything, keeps crying…comforting her isn’t helping and I think it’s a bit of an overaction…I mean bills will be paid, we have food and lots of stuff in the actual house, she works and comes home most nights tired so will only go out on weekend and it’s only a month till its fixed…am I being mean?

TL;DR: GF in overdraft, no other debts at all. Upset and doesn’t want to rely on me even if i said its fine, tried to just simply comfort her and tell her it will be fine which didnt help, she will be fine the month after but can’t deal with being in an overdraft at all so wants to pay it off fully. With little money to do much, has cried for a few days, just upset a lot, asked for time alone and just sits in bed crying, feel like she is overacting, is that mean? Also any suggestions on how to help the situation?

  1. Let her feel what she needs to feel. You already offered help and she declined. It’s up to her to get herself over it now.

  2. She doesn’t want you to fix her problem or propose solutions, she just wants you to listen.

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