This happened to me, and I was livid. I don’t love anything as much as I love my car.

I found person who scratched my car and stared at him. He apologized but I just smoked my cigar and said “you’re gonna have my car fixed. You’re gonna wash my car for free, and you’re gonna pay for me and girlfriend’s meal. You’re gonna do that or I’ll give you a war you won’t believe”

Fucker got scared straight, eh? My .44 Magnum is always ready, just for cases like this.

  1. If this is a true story, you’re a piece of shit. Fuck your car. Fuck your entitlement. Fuck your meal. Fuck your poor, probably emotionally abused girlfriend. And from balls to bones, fuck you.

  2. Paying for the car is plenty

    Mistakes happen, extorting him for a meal doesn’t achieve anything

    If they ran away and you had to track them down then yeah sure maybe a little extra punishment is due

    But it better not be that they accidentally scratched it and owned up to it

  3. Guy on a bike hit me on purpose to shake me down. Refused 911 but wanted money. Completely crashed in passenger side door. Shook me down for $50 and I immediately regretted it.

  4. >“you’re gonna have my car fixed.


    >You’re gonna wash my car for free,


    >and you’re gonna pay for me and girlfriend’s meal.


    >Fucker got scared straight, eh?

    No. You just made yourself look like an aggressive, immature ass.

  5. For those unaware, OP is a troll who recycles through similar content every couple of days, along with lying about being in the military and posting about their pedophilic tendencies. They get pissy when I mention this, and have taken to blocking me or replying with low-effort quotes. Maybe one day they’ll actually do something creative.

    They’re trying to be a parody and don’t actually mean anything they say; they’re just not very good at it.

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