Do you like romantic movies? Why/why not?

  1. No. I relate a lot with an explanation I saw online once.
    To me most romantic movies are an expression of what “*I have to give*” and not what I can expect back.

  2. I love romantic movies. Conan the Barbarian has one of the best love stories ever, oh and we can’t forget Full Metal Jacket.

  3. No they’re corny and too many of them are based on the “perfect man falling for a woman for all her (numerous) imperfections and acting like she’s the prize” scheme that I find ridiculous. Even if a particular movie isn’t based on that trope, there’s still that corniness issue that bothers me.

  4. I find some romance movie tropes unbearably contrived, e.g. movies where there is simply no reason why the leading man and lady aren’t already together at the beginning of the film, and you spend ninety minutes shouting “Kiss already!” at them, or, movies where the guy acts like a total creepy stalker *but he’s cute*, and so this somehow makes it romantic and not scary.

    There is no reason why I would not enjoy a romantic movie with a plausible story and emotionally competent characters, it just doesn’t seem like they make a lot of them!

  5. I hate romantic movies just as much as I hate “loser nerd gets the girl” movies.

    The whole idea of some perfect person falling for some male/female slob who hasn’t done any real work on themselves is unrealistic.

  6. Really depends on the movie, I personally enjoy a lot of rom-com or straight up romance animes because generally they have the guys perspective and he isn’t some sappy fuck who you cant relate to.

    There are also a couple of regular romance movies I do enjoy, but a majority of them cater to straight women so the objective of the movie is for the viewer to fall for the man, which I sadly am unable to do.

  7. No.

    I guess it just feels bad to waste time watching people be happy, I’d rather be happy myself or just do something useful

  8. I personally like watching romcoms. Serendipity, You’ve got mail, As good as it gets and Pretty woman. Just to name a few. Why? Because I enjoy them.

  9. Not really, no. The only one I liked much was Love, Actually and I eventually figured out it’s because they finally admitted romance storylines are shallow as hell and compressed like 7 of them into one movie with basically nothing lost from any of them, not even throwaway bad jokes.

  10. I think we guys need to watch more and BETTER romantic movies. And there can be excellent movies with a great romance plot or subplot, like “Last of the Mohicans”, or “Ivanhoe”.

    Drop your links below in reply. I want to see your recommendations too:

    “How to get married & stay single”

    “Wuthering Heights”

    “Pride and Prejudice”

    “I am Dragon”

    “Jane Eyre”

  11. No. They’re boring as shit because they’re silly wish fulfilment fantasies for chicks.

  12. Yes I do. My parents loathed each other through most of my childhood.

    So when I met my wife, who grew up in a similar situation, I realised that neither of us knew how to be romantic.

    We both did a lot of work to deal with our childhood trauma, but we still didn’t know how to romance each other. So I read romance novels and selectively pick out bits to try out. It has mostly worked.

  13. Yes but I dislike 90% of the genre. Her, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation, Don Jon, and American Beauty were all really good.

    Honorable mentions to Groundhog Day and Memoirs of a Geisha.

    I like them because they go deeper than others. Most romance movies are about trading romantic gestures and the interpretation of those gestures. The ones I like are about examining what it MEANS to love someone and the romantic gestures that are exchanged have specific meaning to the characters rather than being a generally understood romantic gesture.

  14. I will sometimes watch them with my Wife, but I have a hard time shutting up about the silliness. “why doesn’t she just tell him that it was her brother he saw her hugging?”.

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