I was telling my boyfriend my face feels round from gaining weight and his response was, “Yeah, when we were having sex I noticed it didn’t look the same”. He then makes a displeased facial expression.

Meanwhile, when we first met, sex was every day and he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Sex was fun and even though he is 13 years older than I am and not my type, I felt connected to him because of this and was so happy. 6 months in things slowed down in the bed room then to a total stop. Any time I want to have sex, I get denied. I am lucky if we have sex for 5 minutes once a month once I have to literally ask him and he says, “ok, let’s try”. I suspected he lost interest but he kept saying that he lost his sex drive.I suspected it was my weight. He would say no not at all. NOW he made a statement like this at his work and everyone heard. I feel absolutely humiliated and upset.
What should I do? I was already feeling so poorly about myself but now I feel ashamed.

1 comment
  1. question: why are you in this relationship if he makes you feel bad about yourself, your needs aren’t getting met and he seems like he has lost interest in you (at least sexually)? he’s even humiliating you publicly at work. even sex aside that’s not a loving and caring partner. don’t you think you deserve better?

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