Whether you were a feminist or not, how did feminism impact your life?

  1. I am in my job and situation now because I was able to join the military and get an education in a highly technical field. Without feminism, I would be barred from the military and would have never have recieved the training or experience I have today.

  2. Feminism gave me the ability to vote, own a credit card in my own name, and get a job. It allows me to wear trousers and walk around without a chaperone. It made it so I can drive unaccompanied.

  3. Where to even start? I can vote. I can own property in my own name. I can have credit in my own name. I can work in my field. I can receive a full academic education. I can report sexual harassment and discriminatory treatment at work. I can make many choices about my own life that wouldn’t be the case without feminism.

  4. Feminism has allowed me to be free. I don’t have to get permission from a husband to do anything! I can pursue any career and vote for whoever I want. Im not forced into a life of home-making and child-bearing (but I don’t shame anyone who WANTS to do that. You go girl!)

    Without feminism I’d be nothing and I’m very grateful for all it has given me.

  5. I’m almost 26 and unmarried, but given the type of men in my life at ages 15-18, I consider this a good thing compared to the non-feminist alternative.

  6. Well, thanks to the 1974 equal credit act, I was not denied for my first mortgage on my home that I bought alone simply because I’m a woman.

    Also, thanks to feminism, I’m allowed to serve on a jury now and I have jury duty next month.

    I can vote. That’s a plus. I do that fairly often.

    Also I can wear pants. I hate skirts. And I don’t get arrested for wearing swimwear that shows my legs. I swim twice a week so I like that.

  7. I’m being shamed and harrassed for trying to live the life I want to and not what society wants me to do

  8. Without feminism, we wouldn’t have the right to vote, r*pe in a marriage would still be legal, we would earn much less than now, I would have been locked up in a mental institution for misbehaving as a teenager etc. etc.

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