Being married for 6 years, I still masturbate often.

1. How long are you married?

2. How often do you have any kind of sex and orgasm?

3. How often do you masterbate?

4. Does your wife know about your escapades?

My answers.

1. 6 years
2. Maybe 2 times a month
3. Every second day
4. She does not know

  1. 1. 17 years
    2. i’m usually alone, sometimes wife watches
    3. at least every day
    4. she knows i do it, maybe not how often though

  2. Woman here and yes, it’s very normal for both sides to keep masturbating after marriage.

  3. 2 years
    It depends, sometimes go weeks without, sometimes daily
    She has watched me, but doesn’t know how often I play solo

  4. Me and my husband have been together 18 years. We regularly have sex, but also masterbate. Him more often than me, but we both know about it

  5. 21 years together.
    Every three days when I’m away at work.
    Wife used to get herself off every day before the change.
    Yes we both know and don’t keep it a secret.

  6. Female here

    10 years married

    I masturbate at least every other day, husband is about the same.

    We are well aware of each others masturbation habits and are fine with them.

    It’s completely normal to masturbate whether in a relationship or not. Just make sure you aren’t doing anything that henders sex with your spouse. ( death grip, extreme porn, etc).

  7. 1. 24 years.

    2. You’re clearly not alone.

    3. Nightly. Would much prefer more partnered play though.

    4. Yes.

    Edit: You changed question #2. Once every 1-3 weeks ☹️.

  8. Of course. My desire and need for masturbation don’t magically go away just because I’m married, nor should anyone expect them to.

  9. 38 years. probably 3 to 5 times per week. I don’t know her frequency, but we both know we both do it and we are both fine with it. It’s a very healthy part of life.

  10. Yes, and we openly discuss it and send each other pics/videos to get us in the mood. Though we also spend days apart due to life, and we don’t masturbate when we’re together (not bc it would be a problem—just because we have sex 1-2 times per day which is enough for us).

    Masturbation is perfectly healthy. Someone’s you just need a release before sleep, and you would feel shitty using someone else for that. Get rid of the stigma.

  11. 1. Married for 12 years
    2. At least once a day, if not more
    3. Every couple of days
    4. My husband knows; he does it too

  12. How long are you married?

    11 years

    How often do you have any kind of sex and orgasm?

    Sex weekly with orgasm

    How often do you masterbate?

    Every day we don’t have sex

    Does your wife know about your escapades?


  13. 1. I’ve been married to one spouse for 8 years and my other spouse for 6 years.
    2. I have sex with each of my spouses 1 to 2 times per week, and I have a girlfriend that I have sex with 3 to 4 times per week.
    3. I masturbate every day, often multiple times per day.
    4. I don’t specifically announce to the world every time I masturbate or have sex, but all of my partners know it is a regular part of my life. My spouses will frequently walk in on me while I’m doing it, or I’ll start doing it while they’re in the room with me.

  14. 29 years today!

    Just got myself off this morning, loud enough that he would hear it and come say good morning (he gets up before dawn because he’s a crazy person).

    Daily, sometimes more than once. I’m not sure how often he does, because I don’t catch him as often as he catches me. (“Catching” does not mean we’re hiding; getting “caught” is part of the fun.)

    This whole day has been set aside for getting soundly laid – which is actually totally normal for us – but it’s still a safe bet tomorrow will start the same way.

  15. 1. 17
    2. Sex maybe once or twice a week. Orgasm each time
    3. One a day on average.
    4. Yes. She fully know and watches or helps. No one should be shamed into masturbating and having to hide it from their partner.

  16. My husband and I have been married for 9 years together 17.

    We both masturbate several times a week. And we have sex between 2-4 times weekly. Yes we both know of each other’s habits and encourage it. Because sometimes there are days when we wants the release but not the mess of sex. I hope that makes sense.

    Also side note my husband has bought most of my sex toys! We regularly bring those into our relationship as well.

  17. 1.) 9 years
    2.) Whenever she feels like it…
    3.) Whenever I feel like it…
    4.) She knows

  18. Male here.

    1. 35 years
    2. Twice a week 🙁
    3. Rarely masterbate, only a couple times a year.
    4. Yes, she knows I do it and I know she does it. I sometimes watch her but she doesn’t ever watch me.

  19. Together 12 and married 7.

    I masturbate every other day or so. She knows I do but has never asked how often or anything.

    I’m unsure if she does. Haven’t asked in years. Last time I asked she said she didn’t have the need to.

  20. 20 years married

    Sex twice a week on average

    Don’t masturbate much anymore, maybe twice a month (52 yo, libido has gone down a bit) but up until 3-4 years ago it was almost daily.

    Yes she knows and I know she does as well, we sometimes masturbate together or one of us masturbates with the other in the bed.

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