In my friend group, I think only 1 person likes me and thinks me as a friend, whereas I feel like the others don’t really think of me as a friend, but they think of the one who thinks of me as a friend (sorry if this is confusing).

I have to ask if they want to do anything, and the other day I even asked my friend if I could come out with them, and they said “I don’t mind, it’s the others you should worry about”

What should I do?

  1. Never be at a place where you are unwanted. Make new friends .. I know easier said than done.. but 1 good friend is better than 100 fake ones.

    Try joining some local groups of common interest and you can build from there.

  2. You don’t have to be a friend with anyone especially not with those who behave distanced towards you. Always ask yourself: do I call someone like this a friend? This makes it easier to be less dependend on others.

    If it hurts you, dont hang up with these people and only do something with your real friend.

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