Source of the claim for English and citizenship classes is the podcast the intelligence.

Latino republican vote has increased in the last decade.

  1. In census-land most Hispanic or Latino people are White.

    Also, claiming that Latinos are one cohesive group incredibly reductive.

  2. > Latino republican vote has increased in the last decade.

    A shitload of immigrants come from socially conservative countries, this shouldn’t be surprising.

  3. Imagine thinking of Latinos as one single group… Smh.

    Also, why would voting Republican make them white?? They’ll become more homogenous with white people (and we will become more homogenous with Hispanics) as we interbreed and make mixed race kids, and as we adopt each other’s cultures. The same way as it happened with every other immigrant group.

  4. My friend who is Mexican and clearly has stereotypical Latin American features always says white when asked. Latino isn’t a race. And Latin America has its own heirarchial dark history with race and race mixing.

  5. Latino can be any race. I know Latinos who are whiter than me. The GOP will target anyone and some of those folks will fall for it. I stopped caring about Republicans and what they think a long time ago. You can’t vote for a TV clown and expect to be taken seriously. They’re the joke party at this point. A bad joke but a joke. They’re not serious people.

  6. “white” as in you can no longer generalize “X will vote for Y”, then yes. Saying the Dems will get the Irish vote is saying you’re poorly informed, but for some reason it’s considered a given that African Americans will vote democrat.

    It’s almost as if political affiliation shouldn’t be assumed by heritage and that everyone should make decisions based on their circumstances rather than their race or what other people categorize them as

  7. No, and Latino isn’t an ethnicity.

    If you want a better read on how popular the GOP is with Hispanic people look at how many are becoming evangelical. They are way more likely to vote GOP than Catholics.

  8. With the amount of intermarriage between Latinos and the white population, it’s inevitable that Latino-American is going to become a large subset of the white population. Currently 42% of intermarried couples are white/Latino.

  9. The US loves to label everything and I could see it happening as the older conservative generations die. But at the same time Latinos are pretty proud of their culture and instead of assimilating, American culture is just evolving. Not to say that all Irish and Italians assimilated but it’s been over 100 years of them having a presence in America.

  10. Latino is an ethnic descriptor, not a racial one.

    White latinos already are and always have been white. Non-white latinos aren’t going to magically shapeshift into white people. You’re thinking of chameleons. That’s a lizard. These are people.

    Also, contrary to what both you and president Biden believe, who you vote for *also* doesn’t magically change what race you are.

  11. Absolutely, but it I don’t think it will be as wholesale the way it was for the Irish or Eastern European immigrants. Latinos are a massive group of people, though, and I think the acceptance of them as white will depend on which part of Latin America they hail from, how pale their skin is, and how much capital they accumulate. I don’t think all Latinos will be accepted this way, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, & Mexicans will probably have the easiest time with this, because of proximity and history, but anyone from, say, Colombia or Guatemala or Peru might have a different experience. And that’s ignoring the complexities with ideology with some nations, like Venezuela, which will obviously create more nuances in this demographic shift.

    So, yes, but it’s complicated.

  12. Latino isn’t one race. That’s incredibly naive to say that. Some Latinos are white, some aren’t. And i don’t see how Latinos becoming majority gop voters would make them white unless they are already white which defeats your whole question.

  13. From what I’ve seen with Mexican-Americans in my area (and although I’m not Hispanic I’ve lived and worked among predominately Hispanic communities my whole teaching career) most don’t really desire to be seen as “white.” I’ve seen plenty of people resist the census definition of most Mexicans as “white,” and I’ve heard plenty and people say “I’m not white, I’m Mexican” or something similar.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with voting. In fact, at least one hard-core Republican voting Mexican American I know emphasizes being Mexican and “non-white,” probably to underscore the idea that the GOP is accepting of non-white people.

  14. You do realize that Hispanics and Latinos can be of any race right which is why it’s a separate demographic question? You know that *ethnicity* and race are not the same thing?

  15. Latino is the only census listing (to my knowledge) that refers to a culture rather than a skin color/physical descriptor. I know Chinese-Latinos, white-Latinos, Afro-Latinos, Latinos who are “mestizo” (mixed white and Native), etc, etc.

  16. Well for one, the GOP absolutely *does not* target Tejano and Mexican-American voters in TX. If it did, the GOP would absolutely lock in the Rio Grand Valley and Far West Texas because the GOP is the conservative and the people in that area are more conservative-leaning in all but party.

    English classes have been going on since English became the *lingua franca* of the land because it’s useful. That’s it. There’s no nefarious agenda to whitewash the Hispanic peoples of Texas

  17. White is a classification of race. Latino is an ethnicity. So, no.

    I’m often the first/loudest to point out that Latino voters are likely to lean conservative. But I’m also Latino, and my family is a spectrum of white, black, and brown. I would love for the Latino voting block to be courted mainstream during an election cycle, but you can’t look a black Latino in the face and call him “white”. There are also Asian Latinos and Native Latin Americans.

    There’s a reason the ethnicity question is separate.

  18. No, simply because we are too large and diverse to pinpoint. Also, in NYC and NJ Latinos are solidly democrat. I’m originally from Peru and grew up with a Democrat voting family in NJ. My parents don’t have a favorable opinions of Republicans. My entire town which is 98% Latino votes democrat and I can’t remember the last time I saw a GOP bumper sticker or a sign supporting a Republican candidate even for local office.

    Are more Latinos going to vote Republican in Texas and Florida? Sure, these are red states. If you look at voting patterns of Latinos you’d notice we mostly follow the voting patterns of our states. So California Latino voters tend to vote Democrat. Florida Latino voters vote Republican.

    The Republican Party has been courting Latinos for decades. This is nothing new. Yet, the only Republican presidential candidate who received a higher than expected vote from Latinos was George W. Bush in 2004. I’m old enough to remember political ads from Republican candidates in Spanish since the early 2000s.

    I believe Trump only got around 19% of Latino votes in 2016 with many coming from Florida which is no surprise since Cuban republicans have been a solid base since the 1960s.

    As of now, there are 66% Latinos who are registered Democrats. Whether this would change, it’s yet to be seen. But I don’t think either party would get ahold of us completely.

  19. Your race is :

    White – NON HISPANIC

    White – HISPANIC

    black – NON HISPANIC

    black – Hispanic

    Persons like Italians who are white-non hispanic but may have darker “olive” skin tones, then have SMT (Scars, Marks, Tattoos) data to indicate a darker complexion. Same would apply to a spainard, WHITE -HISPANIC…

    Same when you get to the Nordics.. white and then they have pale SMT codes, freckles codes, but they are going to be WHITE-NON HISPANIC.

    Pale then leads to if they could be considered an albino which is NOT WHITE. Albino is all its own deal.

    There is a point where darker complexion becomes black… although this is mostly decided upon how they would describe themselves or their family in the case of a missing person. It does get overridden at times, rarely, but it can.

    then you can go down to various groups starting with Indians, Inuit and similar Alaska tribes are different. It can be come a real art in know which codes to put in.

    Basis: NCIC/NLETS if you are a missing person/wanted person these are how you are classified. Census data is corrupt of late as they are using PC, wokee terms.

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