This story is so wack. I’d only had sex 2 times before college. I used to hate on the alcohol culture so much because it just seemed like cheating to me haha. I got to college in 2018 and started hooking up w a very good looking girl. I eventually had to drop out due to a financial situation and I haven’t been the same since. I thought I had hpv for 2 years so I never visited. I found it in 2020 they were just Fordyce spots the whole time. Of course life goes on and she has a boyfriend etc etc. It took me a while to get over because the sex was so intimate. It was 10/10 lust honestly. It’s 2022 and shes the last person I’ve slept with. I’ve gotten one blow job once since then. It’s such a weird position to be in because I’m a genuine person with solid intentions but my sexual energy is crazy high. I’d love to hookup but I’m looking for something real and long lasting. I’m going to community college and have a little side job as well as a clothing brand. I’m not a high priority man or whatever you call it but I’m definitely not a bum. I get called cute all the time. Any advice?

  1. As someone who hasn’t had sex in 6 years and is hopelessly single, I’ve got nothing.

  2. ….as someone who is 30…. Hasn’t gotten laid since 2017…. And have only gotten laid a few times with 1 girl….. yea…. Got nothing. Good luck though.

  3. >started hooking up w a very good looking girl. I eventually had to drop out due to a financial situation

    Too broke to pay your hooker?

  4. Stop putting “sex” on a pedestal. Go out and get laid! It’s 2022 it’s normal now. No one is going to think any less of you if you’re respectful about it and you’d be surprised how many women are into it. You’re going to have to sift through some losers to find a decent person.

  5. as a 20 year old female, i suggest dating apps. i’ve been using tinder for almost a year and it’s crazy how many people you can find that have the same intentions as you.

  6. stop being a bitch. work out get style do cold approach and master online game. as long as you’re not a deformed midget you’re good

  7. Think it’s just, you see someone you find attractive, go for it. I know I have to have an emotional connection first, but if you don’t just go right ahead. Maybe you have some close/semi-close female friends you can ask if they wanna hookup?
    I mean finding partners while in school is the easiest shit, at least compared to being out in the jobmarket. You got this, some confidence and a bit courage and you go slay.. or whatever

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