How did your first heart break happen?

  1. Halfway through high school, geeky nerdy Asian girl (Me) Fell in love with popular snobby mean girl (Her)

    I gave her a tampon when she asked me for one in the bathroom and we started talking, she wasn’t as mean as she was when she was around her friends

    We hung out in secret at my place and grew closer, started with holding hands, sitting in each other’s lap, we’d sleep in the same bed during sleepovers and cuddle and eventually we kissed in a park during sunset

    She was pretty blunt and told me we couldn’t hangout during school hours because of her reputation but she got other people to stop making fun of me for being Asian (Lots of racism at my school)

    One day she told me we had to stop what we were doing because she was scared her overly religious parents were going to find out because they were starting to ask questions about us and it freaked her out, we held hands and kissed under the same streetlight we shared our first kiss at and she said goodbye to me

    From that point on she treated me coldly and refused to look at me when we saw each other at school

    It still kind of hurts when I think about it

  2. Mums friends dog died (aka my best friend as a child) she was older than me though (almost double my age at the time) but I didn’t know until then that dogs don’t live as long as people

  3. When I was 19 and after three years my ex dumped me and moved to Kelowna (22 now ) still hurts

  4. First genuine…my ex fiance. I had to leave her for my own safety but it still sucked

  5. When I moved country when very young, but young enough to remember the first country and I couldnt go back and visit/talk to my friends as it was a long distance away and I was a kid so didnt have a phone/email address etc

  6. His dad died and he broke up with me a week later.
    We were young but had been together 3.5 years and also he had been cheating on me for probably a year of it 😬 (But again, I was young and stupid)

  7. I was 15. The guy I fell for was someone I knew well and he was 5 years older and had a girlfriend and no way was he getting mixed up with jailbait. He was nice about it, but it was still heartbreaking.

  8. I was 19, dated him almost 3 years. I checked his voicemail and heard her say “hey I’m outside can you meet me the door” I told him if he admitted it I would forgive him
 he did! I felt like my life was over! Worst pain I felt to this day and I been married for 5 years lol

  9. Second semester of Freshmen year in College. I’ve been dating the same guy since 6th grade. Unfortunately, even before the break up, he already was talking to someone new. Not dating officially, but being flirty & hanging out with them a lot, according to his circle of friends that told me.

  10. Met a “perfect stranger” at 20, immediately clicked. Had a great and intense couple of months and then he announced he’d rather get back together with his ex. That hurt a lot, my self esteem was in ruins for about a year.

  11. Idyllic romance at age 16. When we returned to our respective towns I decided to look him up on Facebook. His cover photo was him kissing a girl. They were wearing matching white t shirts.

    Turns out they’d been together for years before that and were together for years after. Until I met her randomly at a school function a couple years later and asked how he was doing, without revealing myself. Turns out she had read our emails and they broke up because of me, lol. So I guess karma bit him in the ass. Still hurts a bit though.

  12. I was in love with this guy, and I would always tell my cousin (who was also my best friend) (who also lived with me cuz her parents were getting a divorce and it was a bit of a situation) I would always talk to her about him and how inlove I was with him, and one day I saw her texting him and she kind of hid her phone from me (they were never friends, I introduced them) I didn’t really think much of it and just brushed it off.
    One day we had an outing, me her my crush and another friend of ours. Before we went out she started putting makeup on my face making me look extra pretty, I was very excited.
    We go there and sit, I realize they’re being a bit much with each other, but then again, I don’t think much of it.
    Then my crush leaves to “get something for a bit”
    And my cousin leaves “to see her mom for a bit”
    So I was having a conversation with my friend and he proceeds to mention that they’re newly dating.
    The worst part is that after the outing, me and my cousin had to go to a family gathering and sit with like 20+ people.

    So other than the fact that she completely betrayed me, she continued to live with me for a while and I had to see her in my face all the time

  13. My first love when I was 15 dated me for three months until I slept with him, then split up with me the next day

  14. I was dating another girl I met on discord, and she invited me to fly over to Texas. She broke up with me a week before my flight, and wouldn’t tell me why. We agreed to stay friends, and I flew over anyway cause I’d long since paid for the round trip, but it was awkward, and that was probably the worst vacation I’d ever had.

    I feel like I was probably a bad girlfriend :c

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