I am in a relationship with a man whose financial situation is different from mine (he is poorer). My family doesn’t accept it and I don’t know what to do.

Sometimes I feel like facing the consequences and sometimes I think about giving up on the relationship.


He treats me like the princess I am and I like him a lot.

  1. I think background/ages/circumstances are important here. If you’re old enough to support yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

  2. Not nearly enough info here to give you advice. What happens if you keep seeing him and eventually marry him and your family doesn’t accept it? How will that impact your life? Is he poorer because he comes from a poorer family or because he doesn’t have a good job? How motivated is he to work and better himself to be a good partner to you?

  3. Why are you letting your family dictate your relationship based on finances? If you work together and treat each other well what matters are things like, do your goals align and what sort of lifestyle are you both aiming for?

  4. Does he have a job? Is he earning his living or needs your support?

    Money do matter to the point. If he is working and supporting himself and can support you of you get pregnant or sick – this is one thing. If he lives from your money- totally different

  5. Yes and no. Being less fortunate in the money department by itself isn’t an issue. Things to pay attention to would be: Does your pictures of the future match? Does your motivation to better yourself or wish stay comfortable line up? Is your work ethics compatible? It’s ok if he comes from poorer background than you. But if you are the only one carrying the finances without that being the agreement or if he doesn’t care to better himself and you do, things will start to fall apart and resentment can build up and ruin your relationship over time.

    Long story short: financial backgrounds don’t overall matter but where you’re going and your outlook on life will determine whether your relationship is going to go the distance or not.

  6. I don’t want to sound shallow but to me it is to some extend to be honest. I dated someone who came from a family that’s quite different from mine when I was in my 20s and we just couldn’t agree on a lot of things like where to eat or what to do. I wanted to enjoy life because money was never an issue for me while for him he always wanted to cook at home and do things at home or without involving any money and didn’t want to go out to eat. We couldn’t even agree on hotels to book because he wanted hostels but I wanted a bit better ones like Marriott or Hyatt… and he felt offended when I offered to pay for the hotels because I wanted to have some good reats at night. We eventually broke up after a few months, not completely because of the financial status but this was one of the main reasons. Somehow the different lifestyles, values, and backgrounds just didn’t work out.

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