what percentage of women have you had a relationship with (platonic or romantic) did you find genuinely funny (not fun but funny)?

  1. there was one person I dated that I met on OKCupid in my very early 20s. They weren’t really good at telling jokes but they were amazing at riffing. like next level fucking annihilation. They were so good at tearing someone down so swiftly and without malice.

  2. 100%. Sharing a sense of humor is something I find very important, being able to laugh together is such a valuable bonding experience. I think it’s an underrated compatibility variable to consider when considering a relationship—most people see whether or not they’re sexually compatabile, which is obviously important, but not being able to find your partner genuinely funny isn’t going to help the relationship at all.

  3. I’d say about 20% can make me laugh on a semi regular basis. only about 5% I consider consistently very funny.

    Men are generally funnier than women. They are more motivated to develop the skill in their teens, and humour involves risk taking in a social dynamic which men are naturally far more disposed to. Women are typically more self conscious of how they will be perceived, some men are funny because they are just oblivious enough or don’t care enough about how they are perceived.

  4. I thought my sister was funny. There is also a woman who I’m friends with who’s definitely funny.

    There was a woman who I was talking to that was pretty funny, but things didn’t work out with her. Romantically, I found a lot of women interesting, but I don’t know about funny.

  5. I’d say most of them, but I’d break “funny” into two categories. Some people are funny on their own, whether it’s cracking jokes or being witty or just their entire mannerisms. Others, it’s more the dynamic we have as two people, where we can make each other laugh readily in the ways we talk to and relate to each other.

    The women in my life have often been more the latter than the former, but frankly, so have most of the men.

  6. More of them are funnier than they think, they just tend to not show it as much which is quite sad.

  7. Like 5 to 10%. I have two friends who I consider to be very funny. One of them I also had romantic feelings for for a long time. Besides them, my one and only ex girlfriend was the funniest woman I’ve ever met, though. She was absolutely hilarious

  8. Well one of my former bosses who happened to be a woman was funny and my best female friend made me laugh at times with the jokes she came up with

  9. A smallish percentage 10-20%, just because the women I know on average don’t go out of their way to make jokes that often.

  10. Dude girls are funny. My wife is hilarious. All of my exes had a great sense of humor.

  11. 70-80 percent. I usually don’t hang around with people for too long if we don’t have a similar sense of humor but there are outliers.

  12. Consistently? Not many.

    About as much as any other person? Most of them.

    Then again, I could probably count on one hand the number of consistently funny guys I’ve known and all of them were amateur comedians.

  13. The only one I found genuinely funny is my wife. The others seemed to try too hard, thought the only way to be funny was to be sarcastic, or were just annoying. My wife is probably the only genuinely funny woman I know; like LOL funny.

  14. About 80%.

    Couldn’t tell an actual joke to save their lives, but can riff on shit or slip the odd pun or reference in where it counts.

    I don’t generally form close relationships with people who can’t make me laugh

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