First day of community college. And it just hit me that there is no more structure. No more class lunches. No more classrooms with 30 kids all the same age and grade level as you.

I checked my school for clubs, it’s the very first day so there’s no information on many clubs. As of right now I am running under the assumption there will be few/no clubs (but if more do pop up that’s good), so please don’t say “join a school club” cause uh… Especially with covid covid might be the reason there’s so few clubs now.

I don’t use or ever want to use social media/Tinder for dating.

The only other ideas I can think of are from movies, and yes I understand movies are not real life. Going out to a club, which for many clubs I’m not old enough for, and parties, which requires friends to be invited to one, which I do not have.

I’m at that age where I’m both an adult and also not an adult and it’s really fucking frustrating. All of the youth activities only go up to 16 or 17, yet I’m way too young to be in a space with 25+ year olds.

It also does not help I don’t really share interests with people my age. I skateboard so that’s a pretty “young” thing. There’s a skatepark nearby but I never see skaters. Then everything else it’s like, don’t watch TV, barely watch YouTube, don’t use other social media, only games I like are retro, etc. My cousin called me an old man jokingly but yeah it’s kinda accurate.

1 comment
  1. In your classes.
    In the common areas between classes.
    At the local food places during school hours.

    Just grab a seat in the lounge and people watch for a few days

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