I need some advice. I’m heavy set, and very inexperienced in the sex world. Like literally the farthest I’ve gone is fingers and making out and I’m 25. Mainly because I was wrapped up in the idea of waiting until marriage. I want to be more experienced, but like I’m 25 and it would just be awkward. What do I do? I’m not trying to be a 30 year old virgin. 25 is bad enough

  1. It’s fine to be 25 and a virgin. Personally I was 20 before I lost mine. With sex the best thing you can do for your partner is to be open minded, help them be comfortable, and listen to what they want. Creating an environment that’s healthy and comfortable is extremely sexy. If you are interested in what things women may like sexually, I’d suggest reading mainstream erotica. Experience is overrated, just cause you’ve had a lot of sex doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing or that your partner is happy

  2. It’s not as rare as you think to be a virgin at 25. Do you still want to wait until marriage? It’s not too late in life to change your philosophy. Sex is a learning experience, we all have to start somewhere.

  3. By the age of 25 most of my experience was solo 🙂

    But it was very satisfying. And then on I had a great sex life with partners.

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