Due to bad circumstances, I lost all my friends about 4-5 years ago when I developed a depressive disorder.

I have gone a long way in recovering, and overcame a big part of the social anxiety that was accompanied by this. I would go so far as to say that I actually have really good social skills now.

For a long time I thought I was unable to make friends cause I was just an uninteresting person or because I was socially awkward. Actually, I’d say I’m a really interesting person, with a good personality, who can carry himself in a conversation.

The reason I still haven’t been able to make friends, most likely, is because I am not “out there in the field” as much as I should be. How can I make friends if I don’t meet people, right?

I have tried a few things, such as joining martial arts club, getting a new job, and travelling abroad. I made a lot of friends while travelling, but obviously I can’t hang out with them as they live far away. It was nice to see though that I was capable of making friends.

So, how can I meet potential friends? Any suggestions?

  1. Have you tried going out to places that are local to you instead of on the other end of the world?

  2. Bro not trying to be condescending but you answered your own question with the second to last paragraph.

    Go to events/meetups and see if you click with anyone, I know depression and social anxiety makes it much harder to navigate though

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