Me and my boyfriend had sex for the second time.I’m not sure if my hymen didn’t break the first time fully or what,but as soon as he put his tip in I felt pain, I told him to put it in all the way so he did.After that he pulled out and I was dripping blood. Like not a little bit, It was running down my leg. It was like i was on my period for a few minutes. Then he went in again. He finished and he pulled it out,And I was still bleeding kinda the same amount i did the first time. Is this normal? Do we need to take a break for it to heal or something?

1 comment
  1. Ok so if it hurts, stop and give it a break. How much time was between your first and second time? Could just be your hymen was in the process of healing and you re-opened it.

    When you started bleeding that heavily during sex the first time (especially with associated pain) yall should have stopped. If it is indeed just your hymen, you need to give it plenty of time to heal.

    Your bf should be understanding of this (if he isnt, then please reevaluate things). If yall give it a break and you still have a lot of pain/bleeding later on then go get checked by a doctor.

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