My girlfriend 18 and I 20 are trying to deal with a situation which is proving difficult someone she used to be involved with is friends with her dad so he is always round there when she goes to see him there is no dispute that she wants nothing to do with him she hates him but her dad doesn’t know they have a history and he wouldn’t have him around if he knew but she isn’t comfortable telling her dad and I don’t want to go against her wishes .

  1. Then don’t involve yourself. All you can do is to encourage her to open up about it with her dad

  2. Your gf is 18 and I assume her dad’s friend is around his age? Obviously something suuuper shady has happened to her, and I’m so sorry for your gf. If she’s not ready to inform her dad, it’s probably a good idea for her to take as much distance as she can from that creepy dude and sadly by extension her dad. All you should do is stand by her and have her back in whatever she chooses to do.

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